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Timo Sohl

Timo Sohl

Ramon y Cajal Researcher
Core Faculty

Investigador Ramón y Cajal de la UPF Barcelona School of Management. Doctor en Gestión por la University of St. Gallen. Antes de incorporarse a la Universitat Pompeu Fabra, ha sido investigador postdoctoral de IESE Business School e investigador visitante en la Texas A&M University.

Sus intereses de investigación incluyen estrategia corporativa, diversificación, redistribución de recursos y modelos de negocio. Su trabajo ha sido publicado o aceptado en revistas de gestión líderes como Management ScienceStrategic Management Journal y Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. Asimismo, ha sido galardonado con varios premios de la comunidad de investigación internacional, incluido el premio Corporate Strategy IG Best Paper Award de la Strategic Management...

  • Business & Management Strategy

  • Doctor, Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas, Administración y dirección de empresas
  • Master Of Science, Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas, Economía, gestión y ciencas de la salud
  • Licenciado / Título de grado, Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas, Business and Health Sciences


  • Master of Science in Management specialization in Marketing

  • Core Faculty - UPF Barcelona School of Management

Actividad Investigadora y transferencia

  • SOHL, T., HAMELIN, A., FITZA, M. A. (2024). A resource dependence perspective on the business group effect in developed markets: Evidence from Western Europe firms. European Management Review.
  • SOHL, T., MCCANN, B. T., VROOM, G. (2024). The Transmission of Economic Shocks in Multi-Divisional Organizations: An Empirical Analysis of the Global Retail Industry. Organization Science.
  • SOHL, T., FOLTA, T. B. (2024). Do firms proactively build internal markets for redeployment? Evidence from a natural experiment. Management Science.
  • SOHL, T., MCCANN, B. T., VROOM, G. (2022). Business model diversification: Demand relatedness, entry sequencing, and curvilinearity in the diversification-performance relationship. Long Range Planning.
  • SOHL, T., FOLTA, T. B. (2021). Market exit and the potential for resource redeployment: Evidence from the global retail sector. Strategic Management Journal.
  • SOHL, T., FOLTA, T. B. (2021). Declining Markets, Resource Specificity, and Redeployment Decisions. Strategic Management Review.
  • SOHL, T., VROOM, G., MCCANN, B. T. (2020). Business model diversification and firm performance: A demand-side perspective. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal.
  • SOHL, T., VROOM, G., FITZA, M. A. (2020). How Much Does Business Model Matter for Firm Performance? A Variance Decomposition Analysis. Academy of Management Discoveries.
  • SOHL, T., VROOM, G., MCCANN, B. T. (2019). La diversificación de los modelos de negocio: cómo lograr que múltiples modelos funcionen en su empresa. Harvard Deusto, España.
  • OH, C. H., SOHL, T., RUGMAN, A. (2015). Regional and product diversification and the performance of retail multinationals. Journal of International Management.
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  • SOHL, T., VROOM, G., MCCANN, B. T. (2024). Managing a business model portfolio: An empirical analysis of organizational conflicts and solutions.. Nova Science Publishers.
  • SOHL, T., VROOM, G. (2017). Mergers and acquisitions revisited: The role of business model relatedness. Emerald, Bingley, Gran Bretaña.
  • SOHL, T., RUDOLPH, T. (2013). Formatdiversifikation: Strategien und Erfolgswirkung. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
  • RUDOLPH, T., SOHL, T. (2010). Welche Innovationspfade führen zum Erfolg? Shaker Verlag.
  • RUDOLPH, T., SOHL, T., HOEDL, J., BAUER, J. (2010). Wie ist die Akzeptanz von Serviceinnovationen? Shaker Verlag.
  • SOHL, T., FOLTA, T. B. (2022). Diversifying Entry, Resource Relatedness, and Redeployability: Evidence from a Natural Experiment. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2022 (1). doi:10.5465/AMBPP.2022.12016abstract.
  • DICKLER, T. A., SOHL, T. (2022). Resource Redeployment: Advances, Challenges, and Future Research. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2022(1). doi:https://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2022.11973symposium.
  • SOHL, T., MCCANN, B. T., VROOM, G. (2021). The Transmission of Economic Shocks in Multi-Divisional Firms. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2021 (1), 11621. doi:10.5465/AMBPP.2021.11621abstract.
  • SOHL, T., FOLTA, T. (2021). Property Transfer Tax, Resource Redeployability, and Related Diversification: Evidence from Multiunit Chains. Strategic Management Society.
  • SOHL, T., MCCANN, B. T., VROOM, G. (2020). The Transmission of Economic Shocks in Multi-Divisional Firms: A Capabilities-Based View. Strategic Management Society.
  • SOHL, T., FOLTA, T. (2020). Market Exit and the Potential for Resource Redeployment: Evidence from the Global Retail Sector. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2020 (1), 16601. doi:10.5465/AMBPP.2020.16601abstract.
  • SOHL, T., MCCANN, B. T., VROOM, G. (2020). The Transmission of Economic Shocks in Multi-Divisional Firms: A Capabilities-Based View. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2020 (1), 16591. doi:10.5465/AMBPP.2020.16591abstract.
  • DICKLER, T. A., FOLTA, T., SOHL, T., OTROS , O. (2019). Resource Redeployment and Corporate Strategy. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2019 (1), 12810. doi:10.5465/AMBPP.2019.12810symposium.
  • SOHL, T., FOLTA, T. B. (2019). Regulatory impediments and the redeployability of physical assets: Implications for investment decisions. Wharton Corporate Strategy and Innovation Conference, United States of America.
  • SOHL, T., VROOM, G., MCCANN, B. T. (2018). Performance Implications of Business Model Diversification: The Role of Demand Conditions. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2018 (1), 11998. doi:10.5465/AMBPP.2018.11998abstract.
  • SOHL, T. (2018). Resource Redeployment Among Siblings: Evidence from the Global Retail Sector. Strategic Management Society.
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  • SOHL, T., BURGUETE, V., TORRENS, L. (2014). Foreign direct investment in Barcelona: A city focused on growth. Ajuntament de Barcelona, Barcelona, España.
  • SOHL, T., SAUERESSIG, W. (2009). Development and deployment of brand protection strategies for China. Marketing Review St. Gallen (formerly: Thexis).