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Executive MBA (EMBA) 

Executive MBA Student

Executive MBA (EMBA) 

UPF-BSMMastersExecutive MBA (EMBA)

The Executive MBA at UPF Barcelona School of Management is the management development program that allows you to give the ultimate boost to your professional career and prepares you to lead companies with a global and innovative vision.


Next edition
Classes start: May 2024
Duration18 months
ECTS credits80
Price15.000 €

The Executive MBA is an official master's degree, accredited by AMBA, and endorsed by the excellence of Pompeu Fabra University.  

It is a part-time program, lasting 18 months, aimed at executives and managers with extensive professional experience. Our Executive MBA will make you a global leader, capable of transforming organizations, dealing with uncertain environments, and providing new responses to the challenges that companies and their managers face.   

With our Executive MBA you will:

  • Improve your ability to manage companies and provide transformative solutions to society, the economy, and understanding. 
  • Acquire new skills, through the challenge of developing a business plan from the first day of the course. 
  • Update your professional skills to quickly adapt them to a changing and competitive reality.
  • Improve your teamwork and leadership skills.

We have 24 years of experience training managers capable of leading projects with a global vision. People who seek to add value and transform society through innovation and a commitment to planetary well-being.   

The Executive MBA is endorsed by Pompeu Fabra University, the 1st Spanish university and the 15th best university in the world (of those with less than 50 years), according to the Times Higher Education ranking. In addition, UPF Barcelona School of Management has EQUIS accreditation, the most prestigious institutional recognition for business schools globally.


Why choose this program


Study at an accredited school

Study at a school accredited by EQUIS, an international distinction that guarantees the quality of our institution and makes us the 1st school of management linked to a public university with this accreditation in our country.


Personalized Program

Design the itinerary you want, adding content on innovation, sustainability, soft skills, or leadership, among others. In addition, a mentor and the academic management will advise you throughout the course. 


Learn from the best

You will learn from an elite faculty, made up of executives from leading companies and professors of recognized international prestige from UPF-BSM and the UPF Department of Economics and Business. 



Interact with colleagues from different countries and with diverse professional backgrounds. Every year, we have participants from leading companies, such as CaixaBank, SDG Group, PwC, Cuatrecasas, etc.  


Electives and complementary activities

Rich study plan with optional subjects and complementary activities that are constantly updated to adapt to market demands.  Participate in practical activities for personal and professional growth, such as the MBA Challenge and Outdoor Training. 


International Focus

Acquire a global vision of business, and discover other business realities through the International Study Trips. 

Who is it for?

The Executive MBA is aimed at managers and executives with extensive professional experience (minimum five years). People who want to boost their professional career and lead companies with a global and innovative vision. 

To apply for this program you must be a university graduate.



UPF Barcelona School of Management is the management school of Pompeu Fabra University, the 1st Ibero-American university and the 16th placed university in the world, among those under 50 years of age, according to the Times Higher Education ranking.   UPF Barcelona School of Management has EQUIS accreditation, the most prestigious institutional recognition for business schools globally, and places itself among the top business schools in the world.   The Executive MBA has AMBA accreditation from the Association of MBAs, which recognizes UPF-BSM for its academic quality and reputation.   The Executive MBA is an official master's degree and has the academic recognition of the Ministry of Education of the Government of Spain. The Quality Agency of the University System of Catalonia (AQU) has also institutionally accredited UPF-BSM. This accreditation certifies all the official master's degrees that we teach and recognizes the quality of our educational model in accordance with the criteria of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).



The Executive MBA is structured over 18 months in which students will participate in core and optional subjects.

We have identified a set of key competencies that favour the professional development of the participants: leadership, communication, co-operation, adaptive thinking, decision-making, and autonomous learning. You will work on these competencies in an integrated and transversal way throughout the Executive MBA.

The MBA is taught in Spanish, but subjects in English can be chosen from among the electives.

The program also consists of an individual project that is defined in the intensive initial week (from 9 am to 7 pm) and is developed throughout the Executive MBA.

Intensive week: project to develop

We promote group cohesion and networking from day one to facilitate the best learning experience in a collaborative environment.

We will review the latest trends in different markets and sectors to help you decide the project that you will define and develop throughout the Executive MBA.

You will participate in creativity workshops to shape the idea which you will develop into your individual business project.

You will analyse and practice the skills necessary to obtain results through and with people: ethics and sustainability, cooperation, adaptive thinking, self-knowledge and autonomous learning, personal leadership and leadership models and styles (online and remote included), teamwork, dealing with and management of conflicts in the organization, crisis management, negotiation, motivation, communication and skills to lead meetings, and presentations and business communication skills, emphasizing especially practical exercises and role playing. This course also includes a block focused on the acquisition of skills and competencies so that you can make successful public presentations, as well as individual and personalized coaching sessions with an expert coach in profiles like yours. You will also have individual and personalized sessions with a career advisor from our Careers Department specialized in EMBA profiles, so that you can manage and develop your professional career in accordance with your objectives and concerns.

Core Subjects First Trimester

You will come to know the management of the company bringing together the set of functional areas, and connecting the immediate perspective with the long-term perspective. You will analyse the adaptation of the company to its environment, proposing solutions to interpret competitive situations and the evolution of markets. You will understand the impact of organizational change and examine strategic implementation.

This subject refers to quantitative techniques that help business owners to make decisions in complex situations. In it, you will deal with, among others, complete linear programming, multi-criteria models, queue and network management, and decision models.

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You will know and understand the economic foundations of business activity through the analysis of proposals, decisions, and the evolution of the company from the economic perspective, and the exchange and contractual relations between all the agents involved.

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Core Subjects Second Trimester

You will learn in depth to carry out analysis prior to the development of a marketing plan and the different applications of market research. You will also discuss marketing management, and the elements that define the marketing strategy and help carry out the marketing plan.

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You will learn to calculate the costs of the products, services, departments, activities, and processes of any company, as well as to develop budget and management control.

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Referring to product design and process selection in production and service companies, through this subject you will delve into total quality management (TQM), capacity planning and localization methods, stock management, forecasting, time series analysis, independent demand, economic batch, and dependent demand: MRP and JIT, among other topics.

At its core is the analysis of the global and particular aspects of product, market, and channel strategies in consumer, industrial, and service markets. Therefore, you will analyse strategies and complete marketing plans of different companies, sectors and environments, and their relationship with the general strategy of the organization.

Recognizing the competitive advantage par excellence that the role of people currently has in the company, you will delve into the planning and organization, selection, training and promotion, analysis and assessment of jobs, and performance and remuneration systems evaluation. Elements that allow the operation of this area to be understood and a policy appropriate to the needs of the company to be designed.

Core Subjects Third Trimester

The tools for analysing a company's operations are used to align its outputs with the strategic options of senior management. The different levers available to the Production Management to improve processes are analysed. Specifically, topics such as operations in service companies, purchasing systems, and international operations, among others, are covered. You will understand the strategy and methods of aggregate planning, short-term scheduling, project planning and control, distribution network logistics, transportation planning, information systems and applications for operations management, interaction with other functional areas, and integration into the strategy.

The purpose is to master different planning tools and project feasibility analysis, as well as the analytical techniques of financial statements in the study of annual accounts. You will be able to diagnose the economic-financial situation and evolution of the business, and you will prepare and interpret provisional balances, generated cash-flows, and treasury budgets. The alternatives for accessing financial resources are also studied and the various investment options available to senior management are studied in depth: stock market, financial futures, financial options, and alternatives to investment in fixed income.

This subject deals with the opportunities and threats that come with running a company in different countries. You will learn, among other topics, the process of internationalization of companies, competition in globalized environments, the meeting of cultures, and collaboration in multidisciplinary teams.

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In the context of the transversal subject Leadership and Management Development, in this third quarter the Executive MBA includes a weekend of disconnection in a mountain hotel, in which team-building activities will be undertaken with the aim of identifying roles and leaders, and improving managerial and team management skills.

Core Subjects Fourth Trimester

You will delve into the key points of investment and financing, and their relationship with macroeconomic aspects, as well as the criteria for inserting financial concepts into strategy and business planning.

This subject describes the main information technology and telecommunications resources at the service of the company. You will understand the processing of information and the repercussions in the functional areas and in the processes of the organization, the decision support systems, and integration with the strategy and its relationship with the human team.

Its purpose is to put you in touch with business decision-makers. You will decide on the future trajectory of the organization managing the allocation of resources in a scenario of several exercises to achieve your objectives. You will also develop managerial skills and the ability to work in a team.

Master's Final Project

At the beginning of the program you will define the individual project that you will work on during the Executive MBA. It must respond to a real business challenge and allow the development of business analysis and diagnostic skills, as well as formulate viable proposals for its implementation.

Elective Subjects

Innovation, Strategy and Entrepreneurship
Digital transformation and Data Analytics
Marketing &communication
RSC and Sustainability
Note on elective courses

Complementary activities

The Executive MBA also includes the possibility of participating in practical, and personal and professional growth activities such as:

  • The Outdoor Training is a weekend of disconnection in a mountain hotel, in which team building activities are carried out with the aim of identifying roles and leaders, and improving managerial and team management skills.
  • The International Study Trips which are work trips in which you will visit the stock market and companies with the aim of learning about new international markets. We have previously visited Shanghai (China) or London (United Kingdom), among others.
  • The MBA Challenge is a four-day competition in which you will have the opportunity to work on a real challenge from a large corporation. Companies such as La Fageda, the Oncological Foundation of Catalonia, the Sant Joan de Déu Hospital, or the Josep Carreres Foundation have already entrusted their cases to UPF-BSM participants.
  • International mobility: The UPF Barcelona School of Management offers you the possibility of expanding your training and international vision through the International Mobility Programme. Extend your studies extracurricularly, during the academic year following the completion of your Master's, at a top-level institution. Limited places.
  • UPF-BSM Inside: is a group of interdisciplinary subjects (applied data, communication, creativity, innovation and project management, sustainability and leadership among others) that, if you take this program, you can access at no additional cost. They are 100% online and you can take them throughout the academic year at your own pace, as they have been designed as self-study subjects.

Qualification obtained

Once students have completed the course they will obtain the Màster Universitari en Administració i Direcció d'Empreses / Master in Business Administration (MBA) - Máster Universitario en Administración y Dirección de Empresas / Master in Business Administration (MBA) official Master's Degree, issued by the Pompeu Fabra University.

Issuance of official Master's Degrees: The amount stipulated in the DOGC (Official Gazette of the Government of Catalonia) must be paid for the rights to issue the degree. This rate varies annually and the rate in force at the time of application for the degree will be applied.


The Executive MBA is taught by management professionals from leading companies, and professors of recognized international prestige from UPF-BSM and the Department of Economics and Business at UPF.  

Academic directors



Collaborating faculty

  • Borja Breña
    Principal at Nauta Capital
    Telecom engineer, Universitat de Sevilla. MBA, London Business School.
  • Jeffrey Breyer
    Director, Effective Coaching.
    Bachelor's in Anthropology , University of California, Berkeley.
  • Valentí Camps
    PADE-Top Management Program from IESE Businesss School
    Adjunct professor at ESCI-UPF
  • Jordi Damià
    Partner at Setesca.
    Telecommunications Engineer at the UPC.
  • Guillem Domingo
    Co-founder and CEO at Harboury Legal and Business Services
    PhD in Tax Law, Universitat de Barcelona
  • Joaquim López Caussa
    COO at Dozen Investments
    MBA, Asian Institute of Technology
  • August Mabilon Puig
    Associate of SDG Group.
    Management Development Program from IESE.
  • Marc Antoni Macia
    Co-founder  and COO at NoviCap
    MBA, IESE Business School
  • Bet Matoses
    Expert in Service Design and Design Thinking, specialized in the design of brand, product and service strategies with a completely digital approach. Bachelor's Degree in Political Sciences and Administration from Pompeu Fabra University and Degree in Industrial Design from IED.
  • Josep Maria Raya
    PhD in Economics from the University of Barcelona.
  • Christian Rodriguez Fornos
    Founder of BYHOURS, Urban Secretsm Netip Consulting, Chocolate Studio, among others.
    Board Member in Barcelona Tech City and Hawkers Group. Professor and university mentor on innovation and digital ecosystem issues.
  • Carlos Ribera
    Partner, SDG Group
    Telecommunications Engineer at the UPV.


The Executive MBA combines basic content, that which is considered essential for any professional who wishes to carry out a managerial role, with specific content, which is customized together with the mentor according to the participant's personal skills and professional project.

The program also includes the possibility of participating in practical, and personal and professional growth activities, such as Outdoor Training, International Study Trips or the MBA Challenge.

Watch video: ¿Por qué el Executive MBA en la UPF Barcelona School of Management? Testimonios alumnos.


The professional challenge

At the beginning of the program you will define the individual project that you will work on during the Executive MBA. It must respond to a real business challenge and allow the development of business analysis and diagnostic skills, as well as formulate viable proposals for its implementation. Its objectives define the knowledge and academic content that is learned in the Executive MBA.


The figure of the mentor

The mentor is key in the learning model, acts as a guide and challenges your thinking and ideas. They will also help you to identify teachers, professionals, projects, companies, and reference activities with which to contrast and enrich your project.


Tutoring and monitoring

During the Executive MBA you will have the monitoring of the Academic Management team to offer you support and ensure your correct progress in the development of skills.


Collaborative learning and real case studies

The diversity of profiles enriches learning through a shared and interdisciplinary viewpoint. In the classroom, an inclusive learning process is put into practice in which the active participation of all classmates is promoted in the form of dialogue and exchange of ideas around the resolution of the different real practical cases.


Flipped learning

In the classroom we will explore the topics in depth to create more learning opportunities. They are work sessions that you will prepare in advance so that you actively participate in the construction of knowledge.


The Executive MBA program consists of different evaluation systems according to each subject: exams, group assignments, individual assignments and the individual project.


Project-oriented learning and the combination of lectures and active methodologies such as case studies, flipped learning, solving real problems and professional simulations allow the student to connect theory and practice, acquire advanced skills and achieve learning which is transferable to work.

You will have:

  • Master's Final Project (TFM) or  Postgrad Final Project (TFP)
  • A personal mentor to monitor your final project (TFM or TFP)
  • Digital resources to achieve transversal skills
  • Interdisciplinary activities and workshops

Professional Future

The Executive MBA is a transformative program that allows you to boost your professional career and prepares you to lead companies with a global and innovative vision. 

Student profile

The Executive MBA ecosystem is made up of national and international professionals with an outstanding track record

The diversity of profiles with whom you will share this experience (entrepreneurs, managers, consultants, engineers, etc.) is of great added value for your training.  


Average age


Average experience


International students


Holding management positions


Recommendation for the program

Career opportunities

A career advisor will support you in a personalised way to achieve your career growth goals towards professional opportunities such as:


  • CEO, Board of Directors, or General Management of companies and organizations of any kind.
  • Venture Capital Manager, Private Equity Manager, and Strategic Consultant.
  • Management positions in any of the functional areas of a company: marketing, finance, human resources, production, etc.
  • Entrepreneur 
  • Intrapreneur: undertake projects within your organization.

Grants, scholarships and financing


The UPF Barcelona School of Management offers you different means of financing so that you can take any of our programs without worry. We offer you the opportunity to finance part of your program, either by rewarding your talent through scholarships, through grants from entities dedicated to promoting education or through collaboration agreements with financial entities.

Merit Based Scholarship

Apply for our Merit Based Scholarship, awarded to those who prove they have talent and motivation.

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Grants and discounts

Alumni discounts

If you are a member of our alumni associations or of one of our partner universities, we offer you a series of applicable discounts on the amount of tuition for your program.

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UPF Employee Discounts

If you are a member or family member of an employee of the UPF group or belonged to the collaborating institutions of the UPF Barcelona School of Management, you can enjoy a series of applicable discounts on the tuition fees for your program.

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UPF Partner Latinoamerican Universities Discount

If you are alumni of one of our Partner Universities, you are entitled to a discount of 10% on the UPF Barcelona School of Management Masters and postgraduate program tuition fees (those programs with more than 15 credits).

*Discount not compatible with other scholarships, discounts and reductions.

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External financial aid

A large number of external entities and institutions offer financial aid options to students who want to enrol on one of our master programs and postgraduate courses.


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    MBA Discount

    Certain programs at UPF Barcelona School of Management offer specific financial aid to incoming students, funded by collaborating entities.

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    Talent Boost MBA

    We reward candidates that have a promising profile and great prospects for the future. This aid can mean a 15% discount on the total price of the course.

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    Financing simulator

    You can choose how to finance your studies by consulting our simulator and receive an answer in less than 24 hours.

    Go to the simulator

    Collaborating entities

    In addition, we collaborate with various entities which provide study loans on favorable terms. For more information you can contact any of the following links. 

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