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Methodology UPF-BSM



We prepare you to lead organizations and projects in changing environments using active methodologies and in close connection with the professional world

Oriented to professional skills

An educational model based on dynamic, cooperative, and interdisciplinary learning that promotes a mentality of growth, and the transfer of learning to professional practice.

Active methodologies

Active methodologies

We guarantee educational success in all training modalities, thanks to EdTech technology and a dynamic, cooperative, and interdisciplinary learning environment.

Learn through projects

Learn through projects

In the master's and postgraduate courses, you will design, develop, and present a personal project focused on your professional goals allowing you to connect all theory with practice. 

Experiment in labs

Experiment in labs

Train and receive personalized advice in the development of specific skills related to entrepreneurship (StartLab), communication (CCLab), and leadership. 

Transform yourself digitally

Transform yourself digitally

Develop your digital skills with challenges adapted to your professional sector. Adapting to the digital transformation of today's organizations is essential. 

Linked to companies and society

Our training offer is closely connected to the demands of organizations. With the school at the centre, we create a network of relationships and exchange between students, teachers, professionals, alumni, companies, and institutions. 

You will impact society

You will impact society

Our wish is to train leaders who generate an impact on the development of organizations in our environment and on society in general, thus contributing to the common good.

You will connect with your profession

You will connect with your profession

An expert teaching staff closely linked to professional practice will prepare you to apply theoretical knowledge to today's organizations.

Multidisciplinary education

Multidisciplinary education

Transversal subjects, workshops involving creativity, innovation, or entrepreneurship, and a cultural approach will allow you to integrate the language of different disciplines. 

You will take on real challenges

You will take on real challenges

You will participate in challenges provided by real organizations and companies so that you can delve into the complex professional reality of your sector and experience the day to day life of your future work.

Customized according to your goals

You will be able to customize your training experience so that it adapts to your skills, your learning trajectory, and your professional aims thanks to the different modalities of the courses, their flexibility, and the mentors who will support you on your journey. 

Choose the modality you want

Choose the modality you want

You can choose the learning modality that suits your needs. Go to classes in Barcelona, study online, or try combinations of formats.

Create your own itinerary

Create your own itinerary

Design your own program through a wide variety of modalities, itineraries, and activities that ensure flexibility and customization of the learning experience.

With the support of your mentor

With the support of your mentor

Throughout the course you will have the personalized advice of a mentor who will guide the progress of your Master's or Postgraduate Final Project. 

Become a better professional with Talent UP

Become a better professional with Talent UP

Complete your training with Talent UP, an offer that encourages the development of your career and professional aims so that you can gain access to the job market.