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Andrei Boar Boar

Andrei Boar Boar

Teaching Assistant UPF-BSM
Department director Business & Management Strategy

Andrei Boar is the Director of the Department of Business and Management Strategy of the UPF Barcelona School of Management, Academic Coordinator of the executive programs in the financial area and Lecturer of the accounting, finance and control area at UPF Barcelona School of Management.

Before joining UPF-BSM, he worked as CFO in several start-ups and as a commercial manager in financial institutions. His line of research focuses on the impact of sustainability in companies, specifically on the implementation of the SDGs and their indicators.

Andrei holds a PhD in Business and Law from the International University of Catalonia, a Master in...

  • Finance & Control

  • Doctor, Social and Legal Sciences, Business Administration and Management


  • Master in Digital Marketing Management
  • Master in Supply Chain Management, Technology and Sustainability
  • Master in Human Assisted Reproductive Technologies
  • Blended Master in Accounting and Financial Management
  • Full Time MBA
  • Full Time MBA in english
  • Master in Accounting and Financial Management
  • Master in Marketing
  • Clone of Full Time MBA

  • Department director Business & Management Strategy - UPF Barcelona School of Management
  • Academic coordinator - Executive Courses - UPF Barcelona School of Management
  • Director de Operaciones - Airning
  • Gestión comercial - BBVA
  • Administratiu - Associació Catalana de Comptabilitat i Direcció (ACCID)

Actividad Investigadora y transferencia

  • BOAR BOAR, A., BASTIDA VIALCANET, R., MARIMON, F. (2023). Sustainable development goals and quality practices: a winning combination for customer loyalty in ride-hailing companies. Transportation Letters.
  • BOAR BOAR, A., OLIVERAS VILLANUEVA, M. (2021). Adaptació de la mobilitat i el transport per les empreses de l’EURAM.. Concret. Economia i Pensament, España.
  • BOAR BOAR, A., OLIVERAS VILLANUEVA, M., PALAU PINYANA, E. (2021). Alternatives to solve SDG trade-offs and to enforce SDG synergies; a systematic literature review. Management of Environment Quality.
  • OLIVERAS VILLANUEVA, M., BOAR BOAR, A. (2021). Les pràctiques de sostenibilitat com oportunitat per les empreses de l’EURAM. Concret. Economia i Pensament, España.
  • BOAR BOAR, A., AMAT SALAS, O. (2021). El impacto de la reforma del PGC en las pymes. Técnica Contable y Financiera (Wolters Kluwers), España.
  • BOAR BOAR, A., MONTANYÀ VILALTA, O. (2020). Anàlisi de la xarxa viària a la zona EURAM. Concret. Economia i Pensament, Valencia, España.
  • BASTIDA VIALCANET, R., BOAR BOAR, A., MARIMON VIADIU, F. (2020). A Systematic Literature Review. Relationships between the Sharing Economy, Sustainability and Sustainable Development Goals.. Sustainability.
  • BOAR BOAR, A. (2019). Infraestructures de l’Euram Evolució de les infraestructures, impacte en el territori i propostes de millora. Concret. Economia i Pensament, Valencia, España.
  • OLIVERAS VILLANUEVA, M., BOAR BOAR, A. (2019). Systematic Literature Review: Sustainability practices in Start-ups. European Accounting and Management Review.
  • BOAR BOAR, A. (2021). Plan General de Contabilidad y PGC de Pymes: un análisis PRÁCTICO Y A FONDO. Profit Editorial, España.
  • BOAR BOAR, A., PERRAMON COSTA, J. (2020). NIC-NIIF: Normas Internacionales de Información financiera. Profit Editorial.
  • BOAR BOAR, A. (2018). Descubriendo el Bitcoin: futuro o burbuja. Profit Editorial.
  • BOAR BOAR, A. (2021). The mediation role of perceived quality amongst sustainable development goals practices and loyalty in sharing mobility companies. PhD Student Day UIC.
  • BOAR BOAR, A., OLIVERAS VILLANUEVA, M. (2020). A literature review. The relations between and among Sustainable Development Goals. (IN)Corporate Sustainability Conference.
  • BOAR BOAR, A. (2020). A systematic literature review. Relations between sharing economy, sustainability and Sustainable Development Goals. Ciriec Congreso Mataró.
  • BOAR BOAR, A. (2020). “How some Sustainable Development Goals (ODS) influences perceived quality in car-sharing industry”. Seminario investigación URL-La Salle.
  • BOAR BOAR, A., OLIVERAS VILLANUEVA, M. (2024). Dictamen sobre els anys d’ampliació de la durada de les concessions de serveis interurbans de transport de viatgers per carretera com a mecanisme de restabliment del seu equilibri econòmic-financer, en l’àmbit de catalunya. Generalitat de Catalunya, Barcelona, España.
  • BOAR BOAR, A., MONTANYÀ VILALTA, O. (2023). Les empreses que arriben a les comarques de Lleida. El fenomen, les causes i les motivacions. Generalitat de Catalunya, Barcelona, España.
  • BOAR BOAR, A. (2023). Informes Sectoriales - Fundae Digitalízate. Fundae.
  • BOAR BOAR, A., MONTANYÀ VILALTA, O. (2023). La transformació econòmica de Lleida. Realitats i perspectives. Actualització 2019-2022. Generalitat de Catalunya, Barcelona, España.
  • BOAR BOAR, A., LUIS BASSA, C. (2021). Caso Logifruit. UPF Barcelona School of Management, Barcelona, España.
  • BOAR BOAR, A., PARRONDO TORT, L. (2021). Estudio sobre la innovación y el uso de blockchain en España. Fundación Cotec por la Innovación, España.
  • BOAR BOAR, A. (2021). Els Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible com a oportunitat per sortir de la crisi de la covid-19. Revista Tecnica CEC.
  • BOAR BOAR, A., OLIVERAS VILLANUEVA, M. (2019). Systematic Literature Review: Sustainability practices in Start-ups. European Accounting and Management Review.
  • AMAT SALAS, O., BOAR BOAR, A. (2024). Aspectos controvertidos de la valoración de CELSA en el marco del preconcurso de acreedores y la reestructuración. UPF Barcelona School of Management, Barcelona, España.
  • BOAR BOAR, A., AMAT SALAS, O., OTROS , O. (2022). DIA CORPORATE. UPF Barcelona School of Management, Barcelona, España.
  • BOAR BOAR, A., AMAT SALAS, O. (2022). Laboratoris Hipra S.A.. UPF Barcelona School of Management, Barcelona, España.
  • PALAU PINYANA, E., BOAR BOAR, A., MONTANYÀ VILALTA, O. (2022). Cap a una cadena de subministrament centralitzada, circular i semiautomàtica. UPF Barcelona School of Management, Barcelona, España.