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Francisco Javier Ruiz Collantes

Full Professor UPF

Francesc Xavier is a Doctor in Information Sciences from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Full Professor of the Department of Communication at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra.

He is the Academic Director of the Master's Degree in Strategy and Creative Brand Management at the Barcelona School of Management and a teacher of the Master's Degree in Political and Institutional Communication at the Barcelona School of Management. His research area is the analysis of persuasive messages, especially those related to advertising, branding, and political communication.

UPF Research

  • Management, Law, Society & Humanities

  • Doctor, Arts and Humanities, Communication, journalism and translation


  • Master in Brand Strategy and Creative Brand Management
  • Postgraduate in Strategic Brand Planning and Brand Meaning


  • Master in Brand Strategy and Creative Brand Management
  • Master in Political and Institutional Communication
  • Postgraduate in Strategic Brand Planning and Brand Meaning

Actividad Investigadora y transferencia

  • RUIZ COLLANTES, F. J., SOFÍA CABEZAS, A. (2022). Populist discourses and conflicts of democratic legitimacy: the Bolivian political crisis of 2019. Journal of Political Ideologies.
  • RUIZ COLLANTES, F. J. (2021). From populism to democratic legitimism: towards a radical reconsideration of populism as a political category. Journal of Political Ideologies.
  • WILCHES TINJACÁ, J. A., RUIZ COLLANTES, F. J., GUERRERO SIERRA, H. F. (2021). Estados en pandemia y narcopopulismos reinventados: consolidación del “narco” como orientador de sociedades ilegales, pero legítimas. Análisis Político.
  • RUIZ COLLANTES, F. J. (2019). Narrativas de la crisis económica: el nacionalneoliberalismo en la publicidad española (2008-2017)*. Palabra Clave.
  • GILI FERRÉ, R., PONT SORRIBES, C., RUIZ COLLANTES, F. J. (2018). Combinación de frames y estructuras narrativas: una nueva propuesta metodológica aplicada a la Vía Catalana 2013. Estudios sobre el mensaje periodístico.
  • RUIZ COLLANTES, F. J. (2019). La construcción del relato político: crear historias para ganar votos. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.