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Jorge Pereira Gude

Jorge Pereira Gude

Senior Lecturer UPF-BSM
Senior Lecturer

Jordi Pereira Gude is Senior Lecturer at the UPF Barcelona School of Management and Full Professor at Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (UAI) in Viña del Mar, Chile. He is a member of the ANID evaluation committee for the Chilean National Agency for Research and Development, and the CNA accreditation committee for the Chilean National Accreditation Council.

Before joining UAI in 2015 and UPF-BSM in 2020, Jordi was an Associate Professor at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) and at Universidad Católica del Norte, in Antofagasta, Chile.

He conducts research in quantitative approaches within the operations management field, and specifically in the development and application...

  • Operations, Technology & Science

  • Ph.D. in Engineering
  • Industrial Engineer
  • Technical Engineer, Engineering and Architecture, Other


  • Master in Supply Chain Management, Technology and Sustainability
  • Master in Data Analytics for Business

  • Senior Lecturer - UPF Barcelona School of Management
  • Faculty - UPF Barcelona School of Management

Actividad Investigadora y transferencia

  • PEREIRA GUDE, J., ÁLVAREZ-MIRANDA, E., VILÀ, M. (2024). A branch, bound and remember algorithm for maximizing the production rate in the simple assembly line balancing problem. Computers and Operations Research.
  • PEREIRA GUDE, J., ÁLVAREZ-MIRANDA, E., VILÀ, M. (2023). Analysis of the Simple Assembly Line Balancing Problem Complexity, Computers and Operations Research. Computers and Operations Research.
  • PEREIRA GUDE, J., RITT, M. (2023). Exact and heuristic methods for a workload allocation problem with chain precedence constraints. European Journal of Operational Research.
  • LAGOS, F., PEREIRA GUDE, J. (2023). Multi-Armed Bandit-Based Hyper-Heuristics for Combinatorial Optimization Problems. European Journal of Operational Research.
  • PEREIRA GUDE, J., COSTA MELO, I., NOCERA, P., ALVES, G., YUSHIMITO, W. (2023). Do We Consider Sustainability When We Measure Small and Medium Enterprises’ (SMEs’) Performance Passing through Digital Transformation? Sustainability.
  • ÁLVAREZ-MIRANDA, E., PEREIRA GUDE, J., SANDOVAL, M., RÍOS-MERCADO, R., DÍAZ, J. (2022). A novel districting design approach for on-time last-mile delivery: An application on an express postal company. Omega.
  • ÁLVAREZ-MIRANDA, E., PEREIRA GUDE, J., MORALES VARGAS, A. A., VILÀ, M. (2022). Variable-depth local search heuristic for assembly line balancing problems. International Journal of Production Research.
  • YURASZECK, F., PEREIRA GUDE, J. (2022). A Novel Constraint Programming Decomposition Approach for the Total Flow Time Fixed Group Shop Scheduling Problem. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics.
  • ÁLVAREZ-MIRANDA, E., PEREIRA GUDE, J. (2021). A Districting Application with a Quality of Service Objective. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics.
  • OPAZO, D., PEREIRA GUDE, J. (2021). Analysis of First-Year University Student Dropout through Machine Learning Models: A Comparison between Universities. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics.
  • ÁLVAREZ-MIRANDA, E., PEREIRA GUDE, J., OTROS , O. (2021). A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for the Simple Assembly Line Balancing Problem with a Fixed Number of Workstations. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics.
Cargar más (10/28)
  • PEREIRA GUDE, J. (2021). A note on the flowtime network restoration problem. IIE Transactions, 1-2. doi:10.1080/24725854.2020.1869353.
  • CÓPPULO MARTINEZ, S., PEREIRA GUDE, J. (2023). Les persones i el territori Vallformosa. Percepció de valor(s) en el present i expectatives de futur. Working Papers UPF, España.
  • CÓPPULO MARTINEZ, S., PEREIRA GUDE, J. (2023). Anàlisi estadística dels conreus del territori Vallformosa. Informe descriptiu. UPF Barcelona School of Management, Barcelona, España.
  • CÓPPULO MARTINEZ, S., PEREIRA GUDE, J. (2023). La gestió del temps, factor clau de la productivitat empresarial i el benestar personal a la Xarxa NUST (Xarxa d’Empreses per un Nou Temps de Treball). UPF Barcelona School of Management, Barcelona, España.
  • CÓPPULO MARTINEZ, S., PEREIRA GUDE, J. (2023). Anàlisi estadística de la població del territori Vallformosa. Informe descriptiu. UPF Barcelona School of Management, Barcelona, España.
  • PEREIRA GUDE, J., CÓPPULO MARTINEZ, S. (2022). Anàlisi estadística de la població del territori Vallformosa. Informe descriptiu. Working Papers UPF.