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Josep Fargas Fernandez

Josep Fargas Fernandez

Associate Professor UPF
Academic Director

Josep Fargas (Manresa, 1953) is a associated professor of Labor and Social Security Law at the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) in Barcelona. After having worked in a health clinic, and in various financial institutions, he began his university career at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). There he completed graduate studies in Law, and postgraduate studies (Magister in Comparative Law); furthermore, he carried out tasks at said university as a collaboration fellow, and later as a MEC-FPU fellow; later he was hired by the technical-legal service of said university.

Joined UPF in 1991, shortly after its creation, he received his doctorate...

  • Management, Law, Society & Humanities

  • Doctor, Social and Legal Sciences, Law, politics and public management
  • Master Universitario, Social and Legal Sciences, Law, politics and public management
  • Master in Comparative Law.
  • Graduate, Social and Legal Sciences, Law, politics and public management


  • Master in Legal Practice + Master in Labour and Social Security Law

  • Academic Director - UPF Barcelona School of Management

Actividad Investigadora y transferencia

  • CHACARTEGUI JAVEGA, C., CANALDA, S., S., COLÁS NEILA, E., DE LE COURT, A., FARGAS FERNANDEZ, J., OTROS , O., LOPEZ LOPEZ, J. (2022). Seguridad Social. Nueva revista española de derecho del trabajo, España.
  • FARGAS FERNANDEZ, J. (2019). Compatibilidad del pensionista de jubilación con actividades posteriores como trabajador autónomo.. Revista del Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social.
  • FARGAS FERNANDEZ, J. (2019). Guaranteed Minimum Income: New Spaces for Trade Union Action. Oñati Socio-legal Series.
  • FARGAS FERNANDEZ, J. (2021). “La compleja determinación de la cuantía de las pensiones no contributivas” en Seguridad Social para Todas las Personas.. Laborum, Murcia, España.