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Julia Lopez Lopez

Julia Lopez Lopez

Full Professor UPF
Academic Director

Julia López López is a Doctor of Law from Universitat Pompeu Fabra. She is the Academic Co-Director of the Master in Labor and Social Security Law, the Postgraduate in Labor Law and the Postgraduate in Social Security at UPF Barcelona School of Management.

Julia is a Professor of Labor and Social Security Law at Universitat Pompeu Fabra since 1996. She is a visiting researcher at the Nanovic Institute of the University of Notre Dame, since 2003. She has worked at the Università di Roma, Université Paris-Nanterre II , at the Institute for European Studies -Vrije Universiteit Brussel and at the Univeristà...

  • Management, Law, Society & Humanities

  • Doctor, Social and Legal Sciences, Law, politics and public management


  • Master in Legal Practice + Master in Labour and Social Security Law
  • Master in Labour and Social Security Law

  • Research team member - Nanovic Institute Université de Notre Dame
  • Academic Director - UPF Barcelona School of Management

Actividad Investigadora y transferencia

  • CHACARTEGUI JAVEGA, C., CANALDA, S., S., COLÁS NEILA, E., DE LE COURT, A., FARGAS FERNANDEZ, J., OTROS , O., LOPEZ LOPEZ, J. (2022). Seguridad Social. Nueva revista española de derecho del trabajo, España.
  • CHACARTEGUI JAVEGA, C., LOPEZ LOPEZ, J. (2021). Solidaridad inclusiva y derecho de igualdad: el marco europeo de referencia. Revista de Derecho Vlex, España.
  • LOPEZ LOPEZ, J., DE LE COURT, A. (2020). When the Corporate Veil is Lifted: Synergies of Public Labour Institutions and Platform Workers. King's Law Journal.
  • LOPEZ LOPEZ, J. (2020). When the Corporate Veil is Lifted: Synergies of Public Labour Institutions and Platform Workers. King's Law Journal.
  • LOPEZ LOPEZ, J. (2019). Systemic discrimination y políticas de igualdad efectiva de género. Revista del Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social.
  • LOPEZ LOPEZ, J. (2019). Introduction. Debates on Collective Bargaining in a Time of Economic Crisis: The Spanish Case in Context. Oñati Socio-legal Series.
  • LOPEZ LOPEZ, J. (2022). Pursuing democratic depth in an age of multinational power: the case of platform workers protests. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, Gran Bretaña.
  • LOPEZ LOPEZ, J. (2022). Inscribing Solidarity: Debates in Labor Law and Beyond. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, Gran Bretaña.
  • LOPEZ LOPEZ, J. (2021). Traineeships and systemic discrimination against young workers.. Edward Elgard Publishers, Cheltenham, Gran Bretaña.
  • LOPEZ LOPEZ, J. (2021). By-Products of Austerity; Regionalisation of Collective Bargaining in Spain. Dir.: Farahat, A. , Arzoz, X.. Bloomsbury, London, Gran Bretaña.
  • LOPEZ LOPEZ, J. (2021). Confronting a moral abyss: unions and the role of law in France Telecom case. Palgrave Macmillan, London, Gran Bretaña.
  • LOPEZ LOPEZ, J. (2021). Pursuing democratic depth in an age of multinational power: the case of platform workers protest.. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, Gran Bretaña.
  • LOPEZ LOPEZ, J. (2019). Collective Bargaining and Collective Aciton. Labour Agency and Governance in the 21st. Century? Hart Publishing.
  • LOPEZ LOPEZ, J. (2019). Derecho@género. Editorial Bomarzo.
  • LOPEZ LOPEZ, J., CHACARTEGUI JAVEGA, C. (2019). Negociación colectiva y gobernanza de las relaciones laborales: una lectura de la jurisprudencia tras la reforma laboral. Editorial Bomarzo.
  • LOPEZ LOPEZ, J. (2019). Modes of collective action: judicialization as a form of protest. Dir.: Lopez Lopez, J.. Hart Publishing.
  • LOPEZ LOPEZ, J. (2019). Trabajadoras pobres: la precariedad como invisibilidad. Dir.: López López, J.. Editorial Bomarzo.
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