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Llorenç Bagur Femenías

Llorenç Bagur Femenías

Associate Professor UPF-BSM

Llorenç Bagur is Dean of the UPF Barcelona School of Management, Associate Professor and Academic Director of the Master's Degree in Financial and Accounting Management.

Before taking up his current position, he was a member of the Department of Economics and Business at UPF for seven years.

He has published some 30 indexed academic articles, some of them in leading international scientific journals. An accredited professor by both AQU and ANECA, in 2018 he was awarded the "Most Outstanding Paper" prize at the Emerald Literati Awards for "Creating Value through the Balanced Scorecard: How Does it Work?", which was considered "one of...

  • Finance & Control

  • Doctor, Social and Legal Sciences, Accounting and Finance
  • Master in Accounting and Financial Management
  • Degree in Economics


  • Master in Accounting and Financial Management


  • Online Postgraduate Course in Business Management
  • Master in International Business
  • Master's in Innovation, Strategy, and Entrepreneurship
  • Master in Auditing and Financial Management
  • Master in Accounting and Financial Management
  • Postgraduate Course in Business Management
  • Executive MBA (EMBA)
  • Full Time MBA
  • Full Time MBA in english
  • Online Master in Auditing and Financial Management
  • Online Master in Accounting and Financial Management
  • Clone of Full Time MBA

  • Dean, UPF-BSM - UPF Barcelona School of Management
  • Academic Director - UPF Barcelona School of Management
  • Consultor financiero y de formación - INDAE

Actividad Investigadora y transferencia

  • LLACH PAGÉS, J., BAGUR FEMENÍAS, L., PERRAMON COSTA, J., ALONSO-ALMEIDA, MAR, M. (2024). Empirical evidence of organizational transformation: The subsequent consequence of the causal relationship between the adoption of circular economy strategies and their performance. Heliyon.
  • PERRAMON COSTA, J., BAGUR FEMENÍAS, L., ALONSO-ALMEIDA, MAR, M., LLACH PAGÉS, J. (2024). Does the transition to a circular economy contribute to business resilience and transformation? Evidence from SMEs. Journal of Cleaner Production.
  • PALAU PINYANA, E., LLACH PAGÉS, J., BAGUR FEMENÍAS, L. (2023). Mapping enablers for SDG implementation in the private sector: a systematic literature review and research agenda. Management Review Quarterly.
  • BAGUR FEMENÍAS, L., LLACH PAGÉS, J., BUIL, M. (2023). BS-QUAL: Measuring student perceptions of service quality in business schools, an exploratory study. Tertiary Education and Management.
  • BAGUR FEMENÍAS, L., LLACH PAGÉS, J., ELVIRA BENITO, O., BUIL FABREGÀ, M. (2023). Sustainability practices and student satisfaction in business schools: the role of notoriety and internationalization. Intangible Capital.
  • ALONSO-ALMEIDA, M. D. M., RODRIGUEZ-ANTON, J. M., BAGUR FEMENÍAS, L., PERRAMON COSTA, J. (2021). Institutional entrepreneurship enablers to promote circular economy in the European Union: Impacts on transition towards a more circular economy. Journal of Cleaner Production.
  • ALONSO-ALMEIDA, M. D. M., RODRÍGUEZ-ANTÓN, J. M., BAGUR FEMENÍAS, L., PERRAMON COSTA, J. (2020). Sustainable development and circular economy: The role of institutional promotion on circular consumption and market competitiveness from a multistakeholder engagement approach. Business Strategy and the Environment.
  • BAGUR FEMENÍAS, L., BUIL-FABREGA, M., AZNAR, J. P. (2020). Teaching digital natives to acquire competences for sustainable development. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education.
  • ALONSO-ALMEIDA, M. D. M., PERRAMON COSTA, J., BAGUR FEMENÍAS, L. (2020). Shedding light on sharing ECONOMY and new materialist consumption: An empirical approach. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services.
  • LLORENÇ, B. -F., PERRAMON, J. (2020). Sustainable development and circular economy: The role of institutional promotion on circular consumption and market competitiveness from a multistakeholder engagement approach. Business Strategy and the Environment.
  • BAGUR FEMENÍAS, L., PERRAMON COSTA, J., OLIVERAS VILLANUEVA, M. (2019). Effects of Service Quality Policies in the Tourism Sector Performance: An Empirical Analysis of Spanish Hotels and Restaurants. Sustainability.
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  • BAGUR FEMENÍAS, L., ROMAY, C. (2017). Máster en Contabilidad. Fundamentos y aplicaciones prácticas.. BRESCA PROFIT.
  • BAGUR FEMENÍAS, L., ROMAY, C. (2013). Manual del Controller. BRESCA PROFIT.
  • BAGUR FEMENÍAS, L. (2010). Contabilidad general con el nuevo PGC: Un enfoque práctico, paso a paso. BRESCA PROFIT.
  • BAGUR FEMENÍAS, L., LLACH PAGÉS, J., BUIL-FABREGA, M. (2020). Systematic Literature Review on Service Quality in Business Schools. European Accounting and Management Review.
  • PERRAMON COSTA, J., ROCAFORT, A., BAGUR FEMENÍAS, L., LLACH, J. (2016). Learning to create value through the ‘balanced scorecard' model: an empirical study. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence.
  • BAGUR FEMENÍAS, L., SUBÍAS, P. (2013). Sistemas de retribución variable en tiempos de crisis: viabilidad vs sistemas clásicos. El caso de Imprenta Digital de Catalunya (IDC).. Revista de Contabilidad y Dirección.
  • BAGUR FEMENÍAS, L., BONED TORRES, J. L., AGUILÀ, S. (2010). Reducción de costes: una perspectiva histórica.. Revista de Contabilidad y Dirección.
  • BAGUR FEMENÍAS, L., CHAMORRO, L. (2010). Les necessitats operatives de fons: un cas pràctic basat en informació comptable. Revista de Contabilidad y Dirección.
  • BAGUR FEMENÍAS, L., BONED TORRES, J. L. (2007). Sistemas de información de gestión en el sector público: el cuadro de mando Integral en las universidades públicas españolas. Revista iberoamericana de contabilidad de gestión.