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Master in Human Resources Management

Máster en Dirección y Gestión de Personas en las Organizaciones

Master in Human Resources Management

UPF-BSMMastersMaster in Human Resources Management

The Master in Human Resources Management offers you a 360-degree view of human resource management. With 23 editions and more than 1,000 trained professionals, the master's degree provides you with the strategic vision and the necessary knowledge to carry out the function of direction, management and consulting in the field of HR.

People managementHR
Next edition
To be determined
Duration10 months
ECTS credits60
Price12.500 €

The Master in Human Resources Management will train you in the key skills to implement a strategic HR plan and consolidate your leadership position in the direction and management of HR in an organization.

Through the most innovative techniques and the analysis of complex situations, you will specialize in the management and direction of Human Capital. Throughout the program you will be trained in the psychology of organizations (motivation, leadership, climate), in HR programs and policies (selection, performance, training) and in the different scenarios of Labor Relations (negotiation, conflict, risk). You will also learn to manage HR to bring it closer to business reality, adding value to organizations both in terms of results and employee well-being.

All of this is taught by specialist professors who work as HR managers or consultants and who provide a practical and up-to-date approach.

The Master in Human Resources Management is endorsed by Pompeu Fabra University, the 1st Spanish university and the 15th best university in the world (of those with less than 50 years), according to the Times Higher Education ranking. In addition, UPF Barcelona School of Management has EQUIS accreditation, the most prestigious institutional recognition for business schools globally.

Why choose this program


Study on one of the 50 best master's degrees in HR in the world

After 20 courses, this master's degree in human resources management has been recognized by the Eduniversal ranking as the 4th best master's degree in HR in Spain and among the 50 best in the world in this speciality.


Undertake an internship in leading companies

You will study in one of the leading masters in human resources in the sector and be able to undertake professional internships at leading companies such as Allianz, Bacardi, Danone, Foot Locker, Ikea, Mattel, Doctors without Borders, NH Hotels, Oysho or Telefónica, among others.


Learn with real practical cases

The contents of this master in human resources are taught by professional experts in the sector, who guarantee a faithful focus on the workplace reality of the moment.


Increase your job opportunities

More than 1,000 professionals can attest to the strength and reputation of this master which will open up exciting job opportunities for you. Companies will not only value your qualification, but they probably have or have had professionals who also took it.


Expand your network of contacts

You will have an excellent opportunity to network and detect job opportunities thanks to interaction with colleagues and renowned professors and speakers from the field of Human Resources.


Study at an accredited school

Study at a school accredited by EQUIS, an international distinction that guarantees the quality of our institution and makes us the 1st school of management linked to a public university with this accreditation in our country.

Who is it for?

This master's degree in human resources management from the UPF-BSM business school is aimed at university graduates and professionals who already have experience in HR. On it you will gain access to aspects such as motivation, assertive leadership, people management, or emotional intelligence and in personnel policy techniques such as selection, training, prevention of occupational risks, and compensation, while you learn to evaluate performance and employee satisfaction with their jobs.


The Master in Human Resources Management is made up of 3 modules that are carried out during 2 academic years.

Module I corresponds to the Postgraduate Course in Human Resources Management and Labour Relations and modules II and III focus on Selection, Evaluation and Preservation of Human Potential (first term) and on Training and Development of Human Capital (second term).

The program consists of lectures, conferences, analysis of practical cases, group and individual work, exams, and the development of the Master's Final Project, which is a final thesis in which an applied HR project will be developed to highlight the acquired knowledge.

Module III. Training and Development of Human Capital.

Training and development as strategic factors
The trainer as an internal consultant

Trabajo Final de Máster

The Master's Final Project consists of the analysis of a company in relation to its HR policies. Based on the above, work is done on a topic related to the program and one or more of its subjects.

The student has the support of a mentor for the completion of the work and an evaluation committee that validates it, once it is finished.

materia 1

materia 2

Complementary activities

The Master in Human Resources Management also includes the possibility of participating in practical activities and activities for personal and professional growth such as:

  • UPF-BSM Inside: is a group of interdisciplinary subjects (applied data, communication, creativity, innovation and project management, sustainability and leadership among others) that, if you take this program, you can access at no additional cost. They are 100% online and you can take them throughout the academic year at your own pace, as they have been designed as self-study subjects.
  • International mobility program: we offer you the possibility of extending your studies in another top international institution during the academic year following the completion of your Master's degree. Places are limited.

Qualification obtained

Once you have passed the program, you will obtain an electronic degree (e-Título) for Máster de Formación Permanente en Dirección y Gestión de Personas en las Organizaciones issued by the Pompeu Fabra University.

The e-Título is an authentic digital degree, issued in pdf format and electronically signed, with the same legal validity as if it were in paper format.


The contents are taught by professional experts in the sector, who guarantee a faithful focus on the current workplace reality.

Academic directors



Collaborating faculty

  • David Aguado
    Associate Professor | Senior Researcher | HR Analytics. UAM & Knowledge Engineering Institute IIC.
  • Rosaura Alastruey Garcia
    Director of ICT Projects.
    Expert in social media recruitment.
    PhD from ESADE–University of Navarra.
  • Maribel Alvárez Heras    
    Master in Organizational Development from the Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia.
    Consultant for the Hay Group.
  • Carlos Andina        
    Master in Computer Science from the University of Southern California. 
    Director general at Invesdia LLC.
  • Antoni Aparicio Forns
    Consultant and Partner-Director of BAESTRA Estudi Formació, S.L.
    Degree in Economics from the University of Barcelona.
  • Juan F. Arza       
    PDD from IESE–University of Navarra. 
    Partner at Arza y Legazpi People First.
  • Belén Badia
    Chief People & Culture Officer at Uriach.
    Degree in Psychology from the University of Barcelona.
  • Ainhoa Berganza Larrañaga    
    Graduate in Psychology from the University of Deusto.
    Coaching consultant.    
  • Joan Boada Grau        
    University Professor at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili of Tarragona and Doctor of Psychology from the University of Barcelona.            
    Co-director of the INTEREVA research group at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili.
  • Alfonso Bustos Sanchez        
    Head of Learning & Development at RICOH Spain and Portugal.
    Ph.D. Euducational Psychology Universitat de Barcelona.
  • Roser Carner        
    MBA from EADA.        
    Talent and Projects Manager at Grupo Indukern.
  • Ángel Cervantes        
    Master in Human Resources Management from the Madrid Chamber of Commerce. PDD by the IESE Business School–University of Navarra.
    Training Director of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Spain.
  • Silvia Ciurana        
    PDD from IESE–University of Navarra.
    Corporate Human Resources Director at CaixaBank.
  •  Virgini Gallardo Yebra        
    MBA from ESADE.        
    Director at Humannova
  • Maria Lluisa Gambús        
    Graduate in Psychology from the University of Barcelona.
    Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Business at Pompeu Fabra University.
  • Oscar Garcia Pañella, PhD
    Motivational Design, Gamification & Serious Games (Cookie Box) / Program Director (ENTI-UB, IEBS, EUNEIZ) / TEDx Speaker / Forbes Most Creative.
  • Eva Garrido        
    Doctor of Law from the University of Cadiz.
    Professor of Law at Pompeu Fabra University.
    Dean of the Faculty of Labour Sciences at the University of Cadiz. 
  • Sergio González-Anta        
    PDD from the IESE Business School.    
    Partner at KPMG Abogados.
  • Marcos Hernando Ponce 
    Master in Professional Mediation and Master in Human Resources Management in Organizations from Pompeu Fabra University.
    Deputy Director of Human Resources of the Mar Parc de Salut Consortium (Barcelona).
  • Julius Lamb            
    Graduate in Psychology and Economics.
    Managing Partner at Auren Personas.
  • Patricia Marqués López    
    Graduate in Psychology from the University of Barcelona.
    Employment Coach at Grupo BLC.
  • Gabriel Martínez        
    Graduate in Economics from the University of Bilbao.
    Associate Professor of Business Organization at the Department of Economics and Business at Pompeu Fabra University.
    Main consultant in the human resources area at European Consulting Group.
  • Eliseu Oriol        
    Graduate in Law from the University of Barcelona.
    Head of the Labour and Social Security Inspectorate in Catalonia
  • Puri Pinilla Velenciano    
    Graduate in Psychology from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
    Professor at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
    HR Director at Ficosa North America.
  • Alícia Pomares        
    Graduate in Psychology from the University of Barcelona.
    Managing Partner at Humannova.
  • Yolanda Portolés        
    Graduate in Psychology from the University of Barcelona.
    Founding partner at TRIAT.
  • Jesus Maria Salo i Vila        
    Industrial Engineer, specialized in Industrial Organization from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.
    Partner at Page Executive, part of Page Group.
  • Itziar Usandizaga
    HRBP & Talent Management Iberia Lead Sanofi.



Starting from prior texts and cases provided for each session, the speakers develop a conceptual basis and, through the case method, convey their thoughts and management experiences as a source of knowledge for the participants.

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Real and practical objectives

The contents are taught by professional experts in the HR sector, who guarantee a faithful focus on the working reality of the moment.


Case studies

You will acquire knowledge in a practical way, studying, analysing, and debating practical cases from real companies.


Learning techniques

You will learn using techniques such as contrasting ideas, simulations, role-playing games, and work presentations, among others.


Personalized help

We will assign you a mentor according to the characteristics of your Project. The mentor will act as a guide and challenge your thinking and ideas. They will also help you identify teachers, projects, companies, and reference activities in HR with which to contrast and enrich your project.


In order to pass the Master in Human Resources Management, you must successfully present the established work in front of the Program Management and the other participants. In addition, there will be continuous evaluation through questionnaires at the end of the subjects that allows the learning progress of the participants to be checked.

As it is an on-campus program, a minimum attendance of 80% of the total established teaching time is mandatory.

Master's Final Project: the program includes an individual project that is worked on throughout the course. The project:

  • must respond to a professional challenge connected to reality. It can address any problem, opportunity or initiative that is of interest to the student
  • connects the theory learned in class with professional practice
  • constitutes an opportunity for interaction, debate, contrast of ideas, and peer learning


The On-Campus&Live methodology allows you to follow the program in person and also remotely.

In this modality, two stable subgroups are opened that will coexist throughout the course: one face-to-face and the other with 100% remote students. The remote students (a maximum of 15 places per course) will follow the program in a synchronous way with the face-to-face students. That is, they will share the same school calendar and schedule as the face-to-face students.

Project-oriented learning and the combination of lectures and active methodologies such as case studies, flipped learning, solving real problems, and professional simulations allow the student to connect theory and practice, acquire advanced skills, and achieve learning which is transferable to the job. The face-to-face modality is enriched with elements of online programs (virtual learning environment, multimedia resources, among others) so that the learning experience of the two subgroups is equally satisfactory.

You will have:

  • Master's or postgraduate work to learn by doing
  • A personal mentor to monitor your Master's Final Project (TFM) or Postgraduate Final Project (TFP)
  • Digital resources to achieve transversal skills
  • Interdisciplinary activities and workshops
  • Digital resources and audiovisual blocks for online learning
  • Active methodologies for transferable learning

Professional Future

You will be trained as an HR expert and will acquire the appropriate knowledge to obtain a 360-degree vision: Talent Asquisition, Strategic People Management, Talent Management, Leadership, Sustainability in the People area, Change Management, Employer Branding, People Analytics, Gamification, Design Thinking, Digital Mindset, International HR Mobility, Coaching and Mentoring, Diversity and Inclusion and Employe Experience, among others.

Our experts have designed a study plan that will allow you to develop the skills, habits and intuitions necessary for your professional development in the Human Resources area. You will learn from recognized professionals in the sector with a practical approach, which guarantees a faithful focus on the workplace reality of the moment. The program also includes conferences in which you will have opportunities to network with renowned speakers from the field of HR.

At the end of the master's you will find interesting job opportunities, as companies will not only value your qualification, but they probably have or have had professionals who also studied the same course.

Student profile

You will be trained with students from different national and international backgrounds, which will allow you to grow not only academically, but also culturally and personally.


Our students come from various academic and professional backgrounds. This contributes to creating a multidisciplinary, collaborative and enriching spirit for all.



Edad media


Experiencia profesional media


Participantes internacionales


Participantes de las principales titulaciones (RRLL, Psicología, ADE y Derecho)


Participantes de otras titulaciones

Career opportunities

You will study in a leading master in the sector and be able to undertake professional internships in leading companies such as Allianz, Bacardí, Danone, Foot Locker, Ikea, Mattel, Doctors without Borders, NH Hotel Group, Oysho or Telefónica, among others.

More than 1,000 Human Resources professionals have been trained with us on this master in HR, meaning that interesting job opportunities will open up for you. Companies will not only value your qualification, but they probably have or have had professionals who took it with us.

You will be trained by recognized professionals in the sector using a practical approach, which guarantees a faithful focus on the workplace reality of the moment. The master also includes conferences in which you will have opportunities to network with renowned speakers from the field of HR.

  • Manager in HR and labour relations management
  • Technical Specialists (HR Specialists) in areas of:
    • Selection
    • Evaluation
    • Training
    • Development
    • Planning
    • Prevention of occupational hazards
    • Remuneration
    • Labour Relations
  • Generalist in any functional area of HR
  • Internal/external consultant
  • Resource Manager
  • HR Business Partner
  • Area manager for:
    • Selection
    • Training and development
    • Compensation and Benefits
    • Evaluation and preservation of human capital
    • Labour Relations and Negotiation
  • Human Resources Coordinator
  • Head of Internal Communication
  • Head of Knowledge Management
  • Executive and middle management positions in human resources management and labor relations
  • Human Resources Director (HR Officer)
  • Talent Management
  • HR Business Partner
  • HR Advisor
  • Responsible for Occupational Risk Prevention
  • Training and Development Manager
  • Training and Development Technician
  • Recruitment Researcher
  • Internal Communication Technician
  • International Recruiter
  • Compensation and Benefits Manager, among others.

Grants, scholarships and financing


The UPF Barcelona School of Management offers you different means of financing so that you can take any of our programs without worry. We offer you the opportunity to finance part of your program, either by rewarding your talent through scholarships, through grants from entities dedicated to promoting education or through collaboration agreements with financial entities.

Merit Based Scholarship

Apply for our Merit Based Scholarship, awarded to those who prove they have talent and motivation.

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Grants and discounts

Alumni discounts

If you are a member of our alumni associations or of one of our partner universities, we offer you a series of applicable discounts on the amount of tuition for your program.

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UPF Employee Discounts

If you are a member or family member of an employee of the UPF group or belonged to the collaborating institutions of the UPF Barcelona School of Management, you can enjoy a series of applicable discounts on the tuition fees for your program.

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UPF Partner Latinoamerican Universities Discount

If you are alumni of one of our Partner Universities, you are entitled to a discount of 10% on the UPF Barcelona School of Management Masters and postgraduate program tuition fees (those programs with more than 15 credits).

*Discount not compatible with other scholarships, discounts and reductions.

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Financing simulator

You can choose how to finance your studies by consulting our simulator and receive an answer in less than 24 hours.

Go to the simulator

Collaborating entities

In addition, we collaborate with various entities which provide study loans on favorable terms. For more information you can contact any of the following links. 

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