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Postgraduate Course in Coaching

Postgrado en Coaching

Postgraduate Course in Coaching

UPF-BSMMastersPostgraduate Course in Coaching

The Postgraduate Course in Coaching provides you with the fundamental and advanced knowledge and resources of professional coaching from personal, social and business perspectives. Through practical exercises, you will learn attitudinal and motivational techniques, how to face and overcome a challenge and how to enhance your personal skills in any sphere or situation.

Business coachingPersonal coachingExecutive development
Next edition
To be determined
ECTS credits30
Price5500 €

The Postgraduate Course in Coaching will prepare you to work in this profession with a double focus: coaching for personal growth and for development within any company. Its objective is to provide you with a solid conceptual base and advanced practice as a coach, which allows you to incorporate an effective structure for carrying out professional coaching processes.

In addition to the necessary theoretical knowledge, you will obtain real experience as a coach, having developed real coaching processes on people with real cases and concerns. At the beginning of the course, people interested in receiving coaching are provided, so that each student coaches, as a coach, to different external coachees. You will acquire the main coaching tools through internships and access to quality feedback from experts in the field. In addition, you will be able to delve into key dimensions of the individual and into the development of communication, analytical and emotional skills.

During the program, a learning community, sustained over time, will be generated among the participants in order to become experts in training and personal growth.

Why choose this program


Access to the certification

The program incorporates the validation of the Spanish Association of Executive and Organisational Coaching (AECOP). Once you have successfully completed the program, if you are interested, you can apply for certification from the Association and via portfolio from any other coaching association. In all cases 168 hours of classroom training are recognised.


Our students recommend it

It has a high level of satisfaction among students: 98% recommend it.


Get a certified university degree

It represents one of the few current training courses in coaching that leads to an official university degree, endorsed by the prestige and teaching quality of the Pompeu Fabra University.


Get to learn two coaching disciplines

You will deal with aspects of business coaching and you will also acquire the foundation to become a coach oriented to personal growth.


Receive updated content

The academic content is presented in a practical way and is continuously adapted to new trends and the demands of this expanding discipline.


Who is it for?


The Postgraduate in Coaching is aimed at university graduates from any academic and professional branch who wish to specialize in this field. The profiles most closely related to the program are: executive staff and/or middle managers whose focus is the management of teams that wish to incorporate coaching skills to positively promote the development of their employees and the business; new business entrepreneurs; education and teaching professionals; and people who want to make coaching their profession or expand their range of services (consultants, therapists,  etc.).


The postgraduate combines 2 theoretical modules, Fundamental Coaching and Advanced Coaching, with an internship and supervision program to produce a training process in real coaching.

Fundamental Coaching

Coaching method and guidelines
  • Scientific method (Social Sciences) - Approach - Objective: Definition and protocols. Nature of coaching. The universe of coaching. Introduction and professional references of interest. Scenarios and identified benefits. Advantages.
  • Limits and focus. Origin and evolution. Relationship and difference with other disciplines. Etymology. Coaching modalities, perspective of coaching schools and by type of application.
  • Personal coaching and coaching in company. 
  • Transactional Analysis: Human behaviour management: Modern leadership (personal and professional). Intervention for development: person - organization - business. Crisis situations and search for meaning and focus.
  •  introCoaching Process - Supervised practices I.
  • introCoaching Process - Supervised practices II.


  • Sources of support and operational resources.
  • Communication, language and coaching: Language, communication and models. Metacommunication and conversational skills.
  • Mental models. Systemic thinking. Mind Maps: Applied Dynamics.
  • The ontology of language and coaching: Ontological coaching.
  • Maieutics and coaching. Emotional skills: Intra and interpersonal intelligence.
  • Coaching and Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP): Theory and application of the process.
  • Critical skills of the coach: Introductory design in coaching conversation.
  • Critical skills of the coach. Keys to success: Basic attitudes and challenges of the coach.
  • Checking the coach's competencies / inventory / intervention: Application to the discipline.
  • Introductory design in the coaching conversation: The essence of the process and phases of the conversation in coaching (model and dynamic). Coaching perspectives: present and future.
  • Ethics of coaching and its actors (I): Personal change: definition and development.
  • Ethics of coaching and its actors (II): Approach to values ​​and commitments/ICF/AECOP. Introduction to competencies, professional coaching associations.
  • Resources and skills applied to the process: Time management, change management and contradiction. Resilience and coaching. Business perspective.
  • Resources applied to the process: Conflict resolution, improvement of self-esteem. Treatment of stress and frustration. Strategies for conciliation.
  • introCoaching Process - Supervised practices III.
  • introCoaching Process - Supervised practices IV.
  • Process of synthesis of learning and validation: Memory and applied work (advanced program thesis approach). Individual action plan.

Advanced Coaching

Guiding and competence principles. Process, essence and variables
  • The coaching process and its application: What and what for. How.
  • Process diagrams: Essence and variables (I): Location and positure. Description of the objective. Alternatives and resources.
  • The coaching conversation: Methodology and objective. Phases. Challenges and focus on success: The key. Application of the main resources of personal coaching.
  •  The coaching model and its dynamics: systematized application: Principles, activities, competences, conversation process, resources and results. Action and results. Advantages and limitations in real practice.
  •  introCoaching Process - Supervised practices V.
  • introCoaching Process - Supervised practices VI.
  • Attitudes and role of the coach and the coachee. The agreement and the coaching contract.
  • Process diagrams and variables of Executive and Personal Coaching.
  • Process diagrams: Essence and variables (II): Relearning and feedback. Action plan. Monitoring and results: progression and regressive movements.
  • Tools and utensils of personal coaching: Successful experiences of the coaching professional.
  • Additional resources, linked and useful for the coaching processes. Psychology as a complement in the coaching process.
  • introCoaching Process - Supervised practices V.
  • introCoaching Process - Supervised practices VI.
  • Company - organization: Coaching in the company. Team and systems coaching.
  • Coaching in the company/organization. Team and systems coaching (I): Internal coaching vs. mentoring. Mentoring: Process, benefits and phases.
  • Coaching in the company/organization. Team and systems coaching (II): Type of organization. System - group - team. Team coaching approach. Systemic perspective, permanent evolution. Prediction - Transparency - Trust - Rules, protocols and promises - Alignment - Result.
  • Coaching business environment - context . The business world. Type - Process - Corporate Alliance. Workplace - Competencies (practical view).
  • Coaching in the company/organization. Team and systems coaching (III).
  •  Coaching in the company/organization. Team and systems coaching (IV).
  • Specific developments: Thematic and sectoral applications.
  • Coaching in the field of education : Coaching for teachers. How to improve. Differences and advantages with regards to other forms of care: objective and benefit.
  • Health sector (I): Advantages and difficulties. Fundamentals and application.
  • Health sector (II): Advantages and difficulties. Practical applications (real cases - health habits).
  • Talent in organizations. The superior tool: coaching, approach and applications (I): bases of management. Code of conduct and CSR. Business ethics and benefits. Goal setting. Positive motivation, emotional intelligence, and coaching.
  • Talent in organizations. The superior tool: Coaching, approach and applications (II): Potential and competencies. Application of the coaching model to competence management diagrams. Context and work - company. Personal, social and managerial styles. The manager - coach.
  • Talent in organizations. The superior tool: Coaching, approach and applications (III): Talent management in the organization. Link to the coaching process.
  • Coaching business environment - context. The business world (II) (practical vision and application of coaching).
  • Coaching for entrepreneurs: Application of the coaching tool in the processes of self-employment and business creation, profile analysis, obstacles and blockages. Definition of the professional strategy. Levers and supports. Economic factors and business plan: Dashboard, budget, objective and indicators.
  • Enneatypes (enneagram) and coaching. 
  • Professional skills and the coach: Applications in the work environment.
  • Collaborative work and the coaching process: Applications for the personal model.
  • Ethics, professional associations and marketing of coaching.
  • Marketing and commercialization of coaching: Market and the environment. Customers and competitors. Segmentation and targeting: Target audience and marketing - relationship cycle. Customer need, Communication, Convenience, Cost to customer. Digital society. Impact on coaching.
  • Code of ethics and competencies in Executive Coaching (I): Introduction.
  • Code of ethics and competencies in Executive Coaching (II): Applied vision.
  • ICF Competencies. ICF & AECOP Code of Ethics and Deontology.
  • Presentation and public defense of the Postgraduate Final Projects 

Complementary activities

The Postgraduate Course in Coaching also includes the possibility of participating in practical activities and activities for personal and professional growth such as:

  • UPF-BSM Inside: is a group of interdisciplinary subjects (applied data, communication, creativity, innovation and project management, sustainability and leadership among others) that, if you take this program, you can access at no additional cost. They are 100% online and you can take them throughout the academic year at your own pace, as they have been designed as self-study subjects.

This module extends throughout the academic year and is made up of 3 areas of knowledge that constitute the identity traits of the UPF-BSM: Communication; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; and Planetary Well-being and Humanities. 

All the subjects of the BSM Inside module are 100% online and have been designed as self-learning subjects: from the first day of the subject until the end of the term you will have all the teaching materials available on the eCampus and you can work with the material and the different activities that it contains at your own pace, according to your availability and in a self-organized way. 

Qualification obtained

Once you have passed the program, you will be awarded the electronic degree (e-Título) for the Diploma de Postgrado en Coaching, issued by Pompeu Fabra University.


The teaching staff of the Postgraduate Course in Coaching is made up of internationally certified and active coaches with long experience as consultants and trainers.

Academic directors

Collaborating faculty

  • Francesc Beltri Gebrat
    Associate at Mediterraneo Consultants.
    MBA from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia.
  • Claudio Drapkin
    General Director at SOLO Consultores.
    Master in Organizational Development and Processes Consultancy from Itamar Rogovsky (GR Institute Israel).
  • James Haigh
    Coach Professional Executive certificate by AECOP.
    Bachelor in International Trade from the Plymouth University (UK). Master course in Direct and Digital Marketing and Postgraduated course in Coaching from the Pompeu Fabra University.
  • Carmen López Ferrero
    Tenured university lecturer in the Department of Translation and Language Sciences at Pompeu Fabra University.
    PhD in Philosophy and Science Education from the University of Barcelona.
  • M. Jordi López Mercadé
    Associate at AECOP-EMCC (Spanish Association for Coaching and Process Management/European Mentoring & Coaching Council).
    Adjunct Professor of the Department of Economics and Business at Pompeu Fabra University.
  • Jesús Martínez Bustos
    Consultant, trainer and coach in organizations. Senior Certified Executive Coach by AECOP and President of AECOP - Catalonia.
    Specialized program in Executive Coaching by ESADE.
  • Lola Márquez Borrull
    Clinical, Health and Educational psychology. Professional Executive Coach certified by AECOP.
    Mental Health Specialist and Training Follow-up at Sabadell City Council.
  • Mercè Martín
    Lecturer UPF-BSM.
    Degree in Psychology from the University of Barcelona, Master in Organizational Development from the GR Institute for Organizational Development Tel-Aviv University.
  • Vicens Olivé Pibernat
    Founding Partner of Gestalt Institute.
    Postgraduate course in Cognitive and Social Therapy from the University of Barcelona.
  • Joana Ortega Alemany
    Degree in Psychology from the University Abad Oliba. CEU.
    Specific training and postgraduate programs: Executive and Personal Coaching BSM.
    Management leadership program at IESE. Communication studies at The George Washington University.
  • Gustavo Piera Trius
    Owner and founder of CMR group.
    Advisor. Executive Coach. Coach Executive Certificate Senior by AECOP and Emeritus President of AECOP.
  • Nia Plamenova
    Lecturer UPF-BSM.
    PhD in Psychology of Human Resources (HR) and Master in Psychology of Work, Organizations and HR by the Universitat de València. Researcher at the Coaching Unit of L'Escola de Negocis IESE.
  • Ángel Porqueras Roca
    Consultant and Speaker in techniques for group communication and Specialist Psychotherapist in Transactional Analysis and Behavioural Therapy.
    Bachelor in Psychology from the University of Barcelona.
  • Joan Quintana Forns
    Expert Psychologist in Behaivour and Organisational Changes. Accredited Specialist in Relational Coaching.
    Psychologist - coach from Col·legi Oficial de Psicòlegs de Catalunya (COPC)
  • Gabriel Robles Ortega
    Catalan Language Teacher from the Department of Linguistic Policy of the Generalitat de Catalunya (Catalan Government).
  • Pilar Romero Benedí
    Professional Coach. ACC (Associate Certified Coach) International Coach Federation.
    Bachelor in Anglo-American Studies from the University of Barcelona.
  • Coral Sánchez
    Executive coach. Professional Certified Coach (PCC) by the International Coach Federation.
    Degree in Business Management from the University of the Arts in London. Various specialty trainings in coaching, mentoring and leadership skills.
  • Antonio Vega Vidal
    Managing Partner at Humaniza.
    Master in Human Resources Management and Consultancy in Organizations from the University of Barcelona.



The methodology of the Postgraduate Course in Coaching is based on various tools that are the result of applied research and innovation. It is worth highlighting the high presence of cooperative and collaborative work between students and teachers (as well as with the teacher-mentor), which is developed during the course of classroom teaching.

Internships are an important part of the program and they work internally with other colleagues and with external people to carry out a training process of real coaching.

Finally, each participant completes his or her own individual development plan and transfer of learning. All this process has continuity in time, through the incorporation to the professional networks in coaching that gives support and future development.


Classroom sessions

Classroom sessions will focus on the theoretical exposition of the modules through a practical and experiential methodology, where simulations, individual and group practices, self-analysis and applied experiential dynamics are carried out.


Coaching practices

You will acquire transversal and professional experience in coaching through different real sessions, which can be up to 35 in number depending on the interest and development of the student, applied to between 5 and 6 external coachees. In them you will be able to apply and develop the coach's core competencies, expand the level of observation and identify possibilities for intervention.


Expert tutor

The coaching practice sessions will be supervised individually and in groups by an expert tutor who will allow you to review and provide feedback on your personal approach to the coaching process. In addition, there will be occasional feedback from audio recordings of coaching sessions developed by the student-coaches.


Postgraduate Final Project

A written summary will be required for each coaching process (this summary will be used as part of the student's evaluation process) and their collective total will be defended as a Postgraduate Final Project.


To pass the Postgraduate Course in Coaching you need to:

  • Attend 80% of the theory and practice classes
  • Deliver and submit all assigned work
  • Carry out the corresponding monograph or work applied to each part with the predetermined characteristics (size, quality, and submission)
  • Take and pass all assigned written and/or oral exams


Project-oriented learning and the combination of lectures and active methodologies such as case studies, flipped learning, solving real problems and professional simulations allow the student to connect theory and practice, acquire advanced skills and achieve learning which is transferable to work.

You will have:

  • Master's Final Project (TFM) or  Postgrad Final Project (TFP)
  • A personal mentor to monitor your final project (TFM or TFP)
  • Digital resources to achieve transversal skills
  • Interdisciplinary activities and workshops

Professional Future

With the Postgraduate Course in Coaching you will become an executive and personal professional coach, exercising integral coaching functions both in professional and business environments (executive coach), as well as in the personal sphere (life coach). You will also be equipped for systemic and team coaching.

Student profile

The program brings together students from various academic and professional areas such as:  communication, education or pedagogy, and business sciences. This combination contributes to creating a multidisciplinary, collaborative and enriching spirit for everyone. Most participants are active professionals with more than 10 years of work experience, who aim to take their career to the next level or complement it by developing managerial or consulting skills.

In addition, you will share the classroom with students from different national and international backgrounds, which will allow you to grow not only academically, but also culturally and personally.


Average age


Number of years of average professional experience


International students

Career opportunities

The Postgraduate Course in Coaching will prepare you to develop a reflective and creative support of clients, in order to maximize their personal and professional potential. As a coach, you will be able to multiply capacities, so that the client innovates in processes and management models with clear results. You can also take part in interdisciplinary teams. All this is in accordance with the code of ethics and specific competences to the Program, aligned to the descriptions of the main professional coaching associations. The program includes the option of doing extracurricular internships.

  • Executive and personal professional coach
  • Coach consultant for companies and active professionals: leadership and team building
  • Entrepreneur (business or activity entrepreneur and social entrepreneur)
  • Speaker or motivator
  • Internal coach - trainer for multinationals or companies and for all types of organizations
  • Head hunting and outplacement
  • Development or Training Instructor (Trainer)

Grants, scholarships and financing


The UPF Barcelona School of Management offers you different means of financing so that you can take any of our programs without worry. We offer you the opportunity to finance part of your program, either by rewarding your talent through scholarships, through grants from entities dedicated to promoting education or through collaboration agreements with financial entities.

Grants and discounts

UPF Employee Discounts

If you are a member or family member of an employee of the UPF group or belonged to the collaborating institutions of the UPF Barcelona School of Management, you can enjoy a series of applicable discounts on the tuition fees for your program.

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UPF Partner Latinoamerican Universities Discount

If you are alumni of one of our Partner Universities, you are entitled to a discount of 10% on the UPF Barcelona School of Management Masters and postgraduate program tuition fees (those programs with more than 15 credits).

*Discount not compatible with other scholarships, discounts and reductions.

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Alumni discounts

If you are a member of our alumni associations or of one of our partner universities, we offer you a series of applicable discounts on the amount of tuition for your program.

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Financing simulator

You can choose how to finance your studies by consulting our simulator and receive an answer in less than 24 hours.

Go to the simulator

Collaborating entities

In addition, we collaborate with various entities which provide study loans on favorable terms. For more information you can contact any of the following links. 

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