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Master in Human Assisted Reproductive Technologies

Máster en Técnicas de Reproducción Asistida Humana.

Master in Human Assisted Reproductive Technologies

UPF-BSMMastersMaster in Human Assisted Reproductive Technologies

The Master in Human Assisted Reproductive Technologies is designed to provide the resources and skills to meet the challenges posed by the rapid changes currently occurring in the field of assisted reproduction, whilst mixing theoretical and practical sessions.

ArtHuman scienceReproduction
Next edition
To be determined
ECTS credits60
Price10.000 €

The Master in Human Assisted Reproduction is designed to meet the growing need for Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) professionals, providing the students with skills as doctors and embryologists, and empowering practitioners to operate highly sophisticated ART programs, offering complex treatment to infertile patients. 

This course focuses on the transition from a training philosophy centred on technical execution (good hands) to one focused on critical thinking, evidence-based implementation, and innovation adoption (good thinking). 

Through the program, students will work on their qualitative and quantitative analytical skills inside the evidence-based medicine (EBM) field as well as improve both individual and team-based approaches to reproductive research and clinical care.

Thanks to the collaboration with the Eugin Group the Master in Human Assisted Reproductive Technologies will provide students with the opportunity to gain real international experience. Lessons will be imparted by world-class international practitioners and key opinion leaders in the ART field. Moreover, taking advantage of the highly international structure of the Eugin Group with a presence in both Europe and the Americas, practical internships can take place in ART clinics in Spain, Italy, Denmark, Sweden, the USA or Brazil, for instance.

The Master in Human Assisted Reproductive Technologies is endorsed by Pompeu Fabra University, the 1st Spanish university and the 15th best university in the world (of those with less than 50 years), according to the Times Higher Education ranking. In addition, UPF Barcelona School of Management has EQUIS accreditation, the most prestigious institutional recognition for business schools globally.

Program jointly offered with:Eugin

Why choose this program


Study at an accredited school

Study at a school accredited by EQUIS, an international distinction that guarantees the quality of our institution and makes us the 1st school of management linked to a public university with this accreditation in our country.


Evidence-Based Medicine

The curriculum includes a number of fundamentally important topics that are typically ignored in other programs, such as patient-centred care and attention, psychology and psychopathology of infertility, fertility awareness and knowledge, artificial intelligence in ART, and patient communication through new media.


Critical mindset

You will learn to think critically. In a field rapidly evolving towards automation, miniaturization, and information assisted technologies, as an ART professional you will need to rely as much on technical skills as on the development of critical thinking.


International vision

Lessons will be imparted by world-class international practitioners and key opinion leaders in the ART field, and you will also be part of an international class with students from all over the world.


International Internships

The program has mandatory internships that will take place in ART clinics in Italy, Spain, Brazil, Denmark, the USA, Argentina, and Colombia.

Who is it for?

The Master is addressed to recent graduates or active professionals in the field of assisted reproduction technologies (ART). The program seeks to train you formally as clinicians or embryologists to work in ART clinics. You will be able to meet the wave of innovation in the field of ART and become a highly specialized reproductive professional.


The 60 ECTS-credit program is made up of four core modules organized in nine subject areas, all of them mandatory. It will start with a Framework of Clinical Reference, followed by modules on Human Reproduction, Laboratory Techniques, and Laboratory Sessions. There is also a final project, which is linked to the internship, where the student will address a technique or method that catches their interest.

Framework of Clinical Reference

This Subject covers the main 3 parameters that must guide the daily practice of the ART professional: science, ethics, and law. The practice of evidence-based medicine (EBM) requires knowledge of the scientific method and development of critical thought, as well as an understanding of the basic tenets of study design and statistics for medical research.

In addition, as technical breakthroughs occur at an ever-increasing pace, the rapidly advancing field of ART poses ethical dilemmas on a regular basis, and a deep knowledge of and scrupulous adherence to national and international laws and regulations is absolutely required.

The emotional burden of treatment is the main cause of treatment discontinuation and non-adherence even in countries where ART treatments are economically feasible and culturally accepted. Nevertheless, ART programs do not train professionals to understand the patient’s challenges and experiences with infertility, resulting in high treatment drop-out, and ultimately a lower proportion of patients that overcome their infertility.

This subject will provide you with a solid appreciation of the psychological aspects of the infertile experience, both from a male and female point of view, as well as the need to make patients the focus of the treatment process. This subject will train you to understand the role of the ART professional in solving this problem through increased communication with patients, colleagues, regulators, and the media. In an increasingly communicated world, this implies developing skills related to the use of novel media platforms to communicate with patients (social media/telemedicine).

Human Reproduction

This Subject will cover normal anatomy and physiology of the male and female reproductive organs at both the macro and microscopic levels along with the stages of the reproductive life cycle. Development, endocrinology, gametogenesis, menstrual cycle, fertilization, implantation, early embryonic development, and pregnancy will be covered.

You will acquire knowledge of the main pathologies that underlie fertility issues, learn how to clinically evaluate the infertile/sub-fertile individual in order to recognize tubal/uterine infertility, endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, male and female reproductive pathologies, ovulation disorders, and implantation issues, among others. The developing field of oncofertility and how to preserve the reproductive potential of cancer patients will be explained and discussed.

You will become familiarized with the current toolbox of technologies and methods in ART. Both clinical and embryological approaches will be considered. This will provide the student with a holistic view of reproductive medicine and allow for an improved interaction between both areas of treatment, in the interest of patient satisfaction and clinical results.

Main topics are induction of ovulation, oocyte pickup, gamete donation, ICSI, in vitro embryo culture and evaluation, embryo transfer, luteal phase support, and cryobiology. Importantly, students will be introduced to cutting edge technologies such as time-lapse microscopy, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.

Diagnostics and Laboratory Techniques

Basic concepts of genetics in relation to all aspects of human reproduction (preconceptional, prenatal and embryonic stage), with emphasis on inherited disease, chromosomal segregation and the genetics of male and female infertility will be reviewed.

This subject will cover classical and expanded preconceptional screening and analyse implications for couples wanting to conceive. Students will study techniques and approaches to embryo testing (PGT-A, PGT-M, PGT-ST) as well as concepts related to genetic counselling. The lack of an EBM perspective made PGT a particularly controversial issue in the ART field. Since genetics and preconceptional testing lend themselves particularly well to EBM assessment, case studies will be used to illustrate concepts.

Cutting edge genetic technologies will be presented and studied, including genetic manipulation and genome editing techniques, mitochondrial manipulation, uterine transplant, and stem cell-related approaches to infertility. 

Laboratory Sessions

Students will practice the basic procedures executed in the ART laboratory during a full week of intensive wet laboratory sessions, including oocyte manipulation, denudation, maturity evaluation, embryo culture in vitro and its evaluation, sperm thawing, and swim-up/gradient selection.

This subject provides a full week dedicated to training the students in basic clinical techniques such as ultrasound-guided oocyte pick-up and embryo transfer, by using state-of-the-art dummy based digital simulation systems.

Master's Final Project

During the professional internships students will choose a technique or method of their interest. They will be required to present a critical review of the existing literature regarding said clinical practice and produce a report following the criteria and guidelines of the EBM. 

Curricular Professional Internships

Students will be able to undergo guided internships at Assisted Reproduction Research Centres or Clinics in the European Union (Spain, Italy, Denmark, and Sweden) or outside of the EU (USA and Brazil). These internships will be 4 months long and students will be able to choose only one centre, for the whole duration of the internship or 2, spending 2 months at each centre. Depending on the clinic of choice, students will be able to focus on basic reproductive research, clinical reproduction, or clinical embryology. For each practicum, the student will be under the supervision of a local tutor.

Complementary activities

The Master in Human Assisted Reproductive Technologies also includes the possibility of participating in practical activities and activities for personal and professional growth such as:

  • UPF-BSM Inside: is a group of interdisciplinary subjects (applied data, communication, creativity, innovation and project management, sustainability and leadership among others) that, if you take this program, you can access at no additional cost. They are 100% online and you can take them throughout the academic year at your own pace, as they have been designed as self-study subjects.

Qualification obtained

Once you have passed the program, you will obtain an electronic degree (e-Título) for Lifelong Learning Master in Human Assisted Reproductive Technologies issued by the Pompeu Fabra University.


Lessons will be imparted by world-class international practitioners and key opinion leaders in the ART field. The Teaching Faculty is formed by Professors of the UPF Barcelona School of Management, scientists, physicians, and embryologists from Clínica Eugin and invited Professors from other institutions, all of them with renowned expertise.

Academic directors


Collaborating faculty

  • José Buratini Junior
    Academic coordinator Master in Human Assisted Reproductive Technologies.
    Scientific coordinator in Eugin Italy.
    PhD in Veterinary Medicine.
    Professor at Universidad Federal de São Paulo.
  • Andreas Abraham Zadeh
    Senior Consultant obstetrician-gynaecologist with a subspecialty in Infertility and Reproductive Medicine at Clinica Eugin since 2006.
    Basic medical training at the University of Münster, Boston University and the University of Cape Town, South Africa. MD and research doctorate from Münster University Medical School. 5 year-residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Münster University. 2-year post-residency sub-specialization in Gynecological Surgery. Chief attending for the laparoscopic outpatient day hospital of Münster University Hospital. Medical advisor in women's health for Wyeth Pharmaceuticals and Executive MBA from Otto Beisheim School of Management.
  • Anna Blázquez Ventura
    Specialized clinician at Eugin.
    PhD in medicine at Universidad de Barcelona.
  • Silvia Camporesi
    PhD (European School of Molecular Medicine, Milan, Italy), PhD (King's College London, London, UK).
    Associate Professor in Bioethics, Director of the Bioethics and Society Master's programme at King's College London (UK). Trained in biotechnology and bioethics, specialised in ethics of emerging biotechnologies, reproductive genetic technologies, ethics, and sport.
  • Maurício Chehin
    Medical Director of the Oncofertility Division at Huntington Medicina Reprodutiva , Sao Paulo, Brazil.
    PhD in Gynecology from Federal University of São Paulo.
  • Clara Colomé
    Medical Doctor.
    Specialized clinician at Eugin.
  • María Beatrice Dal Canto
    Laboratory Director of Biogenesis Reproductive Centres and Clinica Eugin Modena.
    PhD in Hygiene and Public Health by Università di Studi di Milano.
    Associate Professor at the University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy.
  • Cesar Diaz-Garcia
    PhD (Sahlgrenska University Hospital Gothenburg and Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department of the University of Valencia). Extraordinary doctorate medicine award (University of Valencia 2017-2018).
    Medical Director at IVI London and Honorary Associate Professor at UCL. Specializes in all aspects of fertility.
  • Alice Domar
    Chief Compassion Officer, Inception Fertility, Houston Texas
    Associate professor of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive biology, part-time, Harvard Medical School
    PhD in Health Psychology by Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Ferkauf School of Professional Psychology of Yeshiva.
  • Marc Güell Cargol
    Head of the Translational Synthetic Biology Lab at UPF-PRBB.
    PhD in Biomedical Research.
    Tenure-track professor at Pompeu Fabra University.
  • Juan José Guillén Quilez
    MD. Specialized clinician at Eugin Clinic.
  • Ariadna Bellés
    Degree Master’s degree in Clinic Genetics by Cardenal Herrera University.
    Geneticist in Eugin clínic.
  • Marta Herrera Pérez
    Degree in Journalism and Political Sciences and Master's Degree in Scientific and Medical Communication by UPF (Barcelona, Spain). 9-years experience in Marketing & Communication in the Healthcare industry, current Director of Communications, Marketing & Sales in Eugin.
  • Antonio La Marca
    Coordinator of Clinical Activity at Clinic Eugin Modena.
    PhD in Biology.
    Professor at UNIMORE.
  • Karinna Lattes Altamirano
    Specialized clinician at Eugin.
    PhD in medicine.
  • Svend Lindenberg
    Medical Director at Copenhagen Fertility Center.
    PhD by University of Copenhagen.
  • Carolina Llorente Lope
    Coordinator of the Center of Studies of Science, Communication and Society of the UPF (CCS-UPF).
    Master's Degree in Information and Knowledge Society, research itinerary, from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC).
    Associate lecturer at Pompeu Fabra University.
    She has also been an associate professor at the Barcelona University responsible for teaching the scientific communication section in the subject "Expert communication in professional fields" (degree in Communication and Cultural Industries). She has worked 3 years as a communication and dissemination technique at the Bioengineering Institute of Catalonia (IBEC).
  • Aline Lorenzon
    PhD.Scientific coordinator Huntington Medicina Reproductiva.
    Her research focuses on the embryo-endometrium interaction, the establishment of pregnancy and placenta formation.
  • Belén Marqueta Marque
    MD. Specialized clinician at Eugin Clinic.
  • Dani Mataró
    PhD in medicine.
    Medical Director at CIRH. His research interests are in the field of infectious diseases and their impact on human reproduction, especially HIV.
  • Alan Penzias
    MD (State University of New York).
    Surgical Director and reproductive endocrinologist at Boston IVF and an Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School. He specializes in all aspects of fertility care.
  • Josep Pla Victori
    Genetic counsellor, IVI clinic.
    Msc Genetic Counseling (UPF)
  • Mina Popovic
    PhD in Medicine and Health Sciences from Ghent University, Belgium.
    Senior Deputy of the Special Interest Group Stem Cells, of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE). Prior to her doctoral studies, she worked as a clinical embryologist for over five years, at Genea (previously Sydney IVF) in Sydney, Australia. She is currently working as a researcher at Clinica Eugin in Barcelona.&
  • Aida Pujol Massana
    Embryology Lab Manager at CIRH.
    PhD in cytogenetics (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona).
  • Gema Revuelta de la Poza
    Director of the Centre for Science, Communication and Society Studies at Pompeu Fabra University. Director of the Informe Quiral: Medicina, Comunicación y Sociedad. [Quiral Report: Medicine, Communication and Society].
    PhD in Medicine.
    Adjunct lecturer at the Department of Experimental and Health Sciences of Pompeu Fabra University.
  • Paola Rigiroli
    Degree in Social Psychology, Universitá Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan.
    Master’s degree in Arts Psychotherapy, Universidad de Barcelona.
    Postgraduate in Psychology of Assisted Reproduction and Couselling, Universidad de Barcelona.
    20 years consulting, In-Company training and coaching teams and individuals for personal and professional development.
    2 years Medical Assistant at London Women's Clinic in London.
    8 years, current, Psychologist at Eugin Clinic, Barcelona.
  • Amelia Rodríguez Aranda
    Medical Director Eugin Group.
    PhD in medicine.
  • Flavia Rodríguez
    Gynaecologist specialized in Assisted Reproduction with more than 10 years of experience.
    Medical Director at Eugin Barcelona.
  • Denny Sakkas
    Scientific Director at Boston IVF.
    PhD at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.
  • Gustavo Tiscornia
    Postdoctoral work at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, Ramon y Cajal Fellow at the Center for Regenerative Medicine in Barcelona (Spain) and joined the Basic Research Laboratory at Eugin as Senior Researcher in 2016.
    PhD (University of Wisconsin, USA).
    His areas of expertise include stem cell biology, in vitro disease modelling and human implantation.
  • Marc Torra Massana
    PhD in Medicine and Translational Research at the University of Barcelona and Clínica Eugin.
    Current embryologist and researcher in Eugin (Barcelona, Spain). His research is focused on understanding the molecular alterations causing low fertilization rates and the laboratory factors affecting reproductive outcomes after ICSI.
  • Filippo Zambelli
    PhD in Biomedical Sciences (University of Brussels, VUB) and Molecular and Cellular Biotechnology (University of Teramo).
    Researcher at Clinica Eugin, his main research interests are reproductive genetics and mitochondrial biology, with a special focus on the detection of mutations and rearrangements into the mtDNA and its implications on fertility.
  • María José Zamora
    Deputy Laboratory Director at Clínica EUGIN Barcelona.
    MSc in Human Reproduction and Assisted Reproductive Techniques (UAB-Institut Dexeus).
  • Elena Carrillo
    Director of Reproductive Medicine Unit in Hospital Ruber Internacional Madrid.
    Co director of Gyneacology and Obstetrics Department in Madrid Gynecological Center in Hospital Ruber Internacional.
  • Ana Vegas
    Gyneacologist in Hospital Ruber Internacional.
    Specialist in Reproductive Surgery.
  • Montserrat Barragán Monasterio, PhD
    Senior researcher at Basic Research Laboratory of EUGIN Group since 2013. 
    PhD in Chemistry-Biochemistry by Universitat de Barcelona, and post-doctoral research at UPF and CMRB. 
    Research experience on molecular and cellular biology applied to hematological cancer, stem-cell and iPS biology, and biological determinants of human gamete quality.
  • Monica Mandas
    Assisted reproduction nurse and technical secretary of the Research Ethics Committee at Eugin Clinic.
    Master of Research in Clinical Medicine
    Coordinator of the Research and Teaching group and member of the Scientific-Teaching Quality Committee of the Spanish Fertility Society.
  • Robert Stubinski
    Senior consultant Urological surgery
    former Professor (a.c.) University of Milan
    Ancien Chirurgien C.H. Universitaire, Nice (France)
    United States Medical Licence (U.S.M.L.E)
    Swiss Confederation Medical Licence
  • Enrique Pérez de la Blanca
    Director of Reproductive Medicine Unit in Hospital Quirónsalud Málaga.
    Director of Master in Human Sterility and Infertility, Institut de Formació Contínua IL3 de la Universitat de Barcelona.
    Director of University Course in Clinical Genetics, Universidad Europea, Madrid.
  • Clara Serra Juhé
    MsC PhD
    Genetic counsellor in Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau de Barcelona
    Chair of the Genetic Counsellors Division of the EBMG (European Board of Medical Genetics)
    Academic coordinator Master in Medical Genetics UAB 
  • Núria Correa
    Data Team Researcher at R+D department (Eugin Group)
    PhD candidate in Artificial Intelligence 
    MSc in Bioinformatics and Biostatistics
    ESHRE certified Senior Embryologist


The course will combine theory and practice in a participative and interactive manner. The methodology may vary from subject to subject, depending on the lecturer and the contents


Practical sessions

The program includes a unique laboratory module in which you will acquire hands-on experience in embryology laboratory techniques, covering a range of fundamental procedures regarding sperm, oocytes, and embryos.


State-of-the-art learning tools

In order to provide strong practical skills, you will be trained in basic clinical procedures such as ovum pickup and embryo transfers using state-of-the-art simulator systems.


Continuous monitoring

All the activities will be returned with feedback by teachers, so the assessment is based on an evolving learning.


Evaluation will result from continuous monitoring of the students’ progress using a range of assessment techniques.

These include execution of activities, participation during lectures and case discussions, performance in the Wet Lab Module and Simulator Module, subject exams (in multiple choice format), and quality of Final Project written work and defence. In addition, the students’ performance during their internship will be evaluated by their mentor.

On-going evaluation will ensure a balanced distribution of effort and a gradual acquisition of knowledge by the student. Grading of subjects will be on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest mark.


Project-oriented learning and the combination of lectures and active methodologies such as case studies, flipped learning, solving real problems and professional simulations allow the student to connect theory and practice, acquire advanced skills and achieve learning which is transferable to work.

You will have:

  • Master's Final Project (TFM) or  Postgrad Final Project (TFP)
  • A personal mentor to monitor your final project (TFM or TFP)
  • Digital resources to achieve transversal skills
  • Interdisciplinary activities and workshops

Professional Future

Approximately 50 million couples experience infertility worldwide. This is due to social and professional changes, including higher numbers of working women, delayed parenthood, migration from rural areas to cities, obesity and rising male infertility.

The market for in vitro fertilization is expected to exceed 36 billion dollars by 2026. A wave of innovation is currently exerting pressure on the industry, which predicts a lack of adequately trained professionals during the next few years.

We foresee that our graduates will have ample opportunities in the ART industry, covering positions in clinical practice, the embryology lab, and basic research.

Student profile

All students come from a great variety of scientific fields, however, the three main common backgrounds are: Medicine and Surgery, Biology, and Biotechnology. The class is a good mix from different countries, as the master has a very international outlook: participants from Europe, Africa, Asia, and Latin America share experiences and common interests.


Average age


Average years of professional experience


International Students


Alumnos por aula

Career opportunities

From April to July, you will do one or two practical internships in Clinics of the Eugin group, located in several countries (Spain, Italy, Denmark, Argentina, Brazil, and the USA), focusing on basic research, embryology and/or clinical research.

You may opt to do one unique internship in a single location (from April to July) or 2 shorter internships in 2 different locations (April-May and June-July).

This internship provides a hands-on approach that will help you with your career prospects.

  • Embryologist in reproductive clinics
  • Embryology Scientist in ART service companies
  • Research Scientist in research centres, hospitals, or universities
  • Reproduction Clinician in reproductive clinics or hospitals
  • Patient Counsellors in reproductive care

Grants, scholarships and financing


The UPF Barcelona School of Management offers you different means of financing so that you can take any of our programs without worry. We offer you the opportunity to finance part of your program, either by rewarding your talent through scholarships, through grants from entities dedicated to promoting education or through collaboration agreements with financial entities.

Human Assisted Reproductive Technologies Scholarship

Program Scholarship

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Grants and discounts

Alumni discounts

If you are a member of our alumni associations or of one of our partner universities, we offer you a series of applicable discounts on the amount of tuition for your program.

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UPF Employee Discounts

If you are a member or family member of an employee of the UPF group or belonged to the collaborating institutions of the UPF Barcelona School of Management, you can enjoy a series of applicable discounts on the tuition fees for your program.

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UPF Partner Latinoamerican Universities Discount

If you are alumni of one of our Partner Universities, you are entitled to a discount of 10% on the UPF Barcelona School of Management Masters and postgraduate program tuition fees (those programs with more than 15 credits).

*Discount not compatible with other scholarships, discounts and reductions.

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External financial aid

A large number of external entities and institutions offer financial aid options to students who want to enrol on one of our master programs and postgraduate courses.


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    Financing simulator

    You can choose how to finance your studies by consulting our simulator and receive an answer in less than 24 hours.

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    Collaborating entities

    In addition, we collaborate with various entities which provide study loans on favorable terms. For more information you can contact any of the following links. 

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