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14 Diciembre - 2021

All paths lead to consumption revitalization

Christmas campaign this year forecasts an increase in household spending of between 14 and 22 percent compared to 2019. Now, how will this consumption revitalization have an impact on small businesses? The director of the Chair Future Scenarios on Retail, Tourism and Services, Josep-Francesc Valls, analyzes the behavior of consumers and retailers.

14 Diciembre - 2021

Tomorrow's mental health depends on emotional education and technology

3,941 people took their lives in Spain in 2020, the highest number ever recorded in history. What tools exist to put a stop to this reality? The Director of Technology Academic Area, Ana Freire, advocates for emotional education and responsible use of technology, which can be a great ally in the detection of mental health issues. 

14 Diciembre - 2021

"Artists can raise awareness toward a more sustainable and equitable future"

Catalina Lobo-Guerrero, Premio al Libro Periodístico Los Restos de la Revolución winner alumni interview.

7 Diciembre - 2021

Metaverse, an opportunity for brands and companies

The metaverse is the evolution of social technology and refers to a collection of digital worlds, where the defining quality is presence, that is, the feeling of actually being there with people, which allows creating an immersive and multisensory experience in the applied use of various devices and technological developments on the internet.

30 Noviembre - 2021

Regulation to finance sustainable growth: less is nothing

The European Union (EU) has been working for years on how to encourage private capital to focus on financing sustainable activities. Measures have already been put in place within the action plan for financing sustainable growth.

30 Noviembre - 2021

Are we PrEPared?

PrEP is an oral treatment, in pill format, that helps prevent HIV infection in at-risk populations. The success of oral PrEP is more than demonstrated in numerous clinical studies over the last decade.

30 Noviembre - 2021

Banks want to save the environment

Historian and writer Yuval Noah Harari writes in his book Sapiens, From Animals to Gods: “70,000 years ago, homo sapiens was still an insignificant animal minding its own business in a corner of Africa. In the following millennia they became the master of the entire planet and the terror of the ecosystem ”.

26 Noviembre - 2021

Kick-off for the 6th edition of Wisibilízalas, the contest that breaks down gender stereotypes in STEM

The sixth edition of the international competition Wisibilízalas, aimed at schools to break gender stereotypes in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics), has already begun. Founded by the director of the Technology Area of the UPF-BSM, Ana Freire, the initiative is supported by the Ministry of Science and Innovation and the FECYT.

24 Noviembre - 2021

UPF-BSM creates China Global Strategy to attract and connect talents with China

China is an indisputable global player in the field of knowledge and for this reason UPF Barcelona School of Management wants to live up to its importance. With this objective, the school presented its China Global Strategy.

23 Noviembre - 2021

Scarcity marketing: buy it before it runs out

Many companies have long been working with marketing strategies based on the psychology of scarcity, which translates into consumers' fear of running out of the product they want. In a situation of real shortages of raw materials, is this a useful strategy? The director of the Master in Marketing, Carolina Luis Bassa, analyzes it. 

23 Noviembre - 2021

More industrial startups are needed

Industrial technology startups are scientific-technical based companies with a validated technology, which offer the market a tangible product. These startups are the great unknown of our entrepreneurial ecosystem, but they have an important economic and social impact. And more industrial startups are needed in Catalonia.

23 Noviembre - 2021

Nixi for Children, winner of the 2021 Catalan Startup Award

The Catalan startup Nixi for Children, incubated at the StartLab of the UPF Barcelona School of Management, has been awarded as the Catalan Startup of the year.

23 Noviembre - 2021

Parrondo: "Catalonia is not a reference in blockchain because the involvement of the private sector is insufficient"

"Although the word disruption is usually used lightly, in the case of blockchain it is fully justified, and Catalonia cannot remain on the sidelines in this transformation process", warns the director of the Postgraduate in Blockchain and other DLT Technologies, Luz Parrondo.

17 Noviembre - 2021

UPF-BSM, classified as a school with “international influence” by EdUniversal

The UPF Barcelona School of Management has been distinguished with the recognition of academic excellence with "four palms of excellence" according to the EdUniversal classification. The agency classifies Pompeu Fabra University’s management school as “Top Business School With Significant International Influence”. Thus, the school rises one step in the international ranking.

16 Noviembre - 2021

Collective plans come to revolutionize the pension system

The Ministry will put a brake on individual pension plans and will give wings to company or collective plans, increasing their deduction margin and creating a plan to strengthen them. The UPF Barcelona School of Management professor and Director of the Chair in Sustainable Finance, Marcos Eguiguren, believes that now is a good time to ensure the quality of future investments by these actors.

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