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10 Marzo - 2022

UPF Barcelona School of Management and Diputació de Barcelona promote the Chair of Citizenship Mediation

Directed by Javier Wilhelm and Maria Munné, the Chair aims to respond to the needs of the local world in the implementation of policies to promote coexistence

8 Marzo - 2022

Gender quotas, the "right thing" to do?

Gender quotas are without a doubt one of the most controversial topics in the equality realm. Truth is, when quotas are applied in organizations where there is no real commitment to equality, it is women who end up paying the price. Nia Plamenova, lecturer in the Business & Management Strategy Dept., sheds light on the debate. 

8 Marzo - 2022

Bye-bye stereotypes: why brands shouldn't communicate to women

Women are involved in more than 80% of purchasing decisions. It is not surprising that they are the target audience of many marketing and communication campaigns, although they are often spoken to from a male perspective. Cristina Aced, expert in Corporate and Digital Communication, analyses the strategies of brands to approach female audiences.

8 Marzo - 2022

There are no women in Tech, so what?

Artificial Intelligence can be an ally in the fight for gender equality, but it needs to be trained. Through machine learning, algorithms learn whatever we want them to, but something that seems completely harmless can result in mass discrimination if the examples with which it has been trained present some kind of bias. Ana Freire, Director of the Operations, Technology and Science Dept., show some examples.

8 Marzo - 2022

80% of IBEX-35 companies fail to comply with gender equality requirements

Women continue to be under-represented in management bodies, even in Spain's benchmark stock market index. Eighty per cent of listed companies do not comply with gender equality requirements and six of the 35 companies do not achieve even 20 per cent female presence on boards of directors. Erola Palau Pinyana, researcher in the Operations, Technology and Science Department, analyses the data and notes the poor performance since March 2021.

7 Marzo - 2022

Fintech, a chance to feminise a male-dominated sector

The financial and technological sectors have a gender diversity problem. Women are under-represented in management positions, and even less so in founding positions. However, in the fintech sector, the female presence is slightly higher than in traditional fields. Why? Director of Finance, Accounting & Controlling, Luz Parrondo, talks about it. 

7 Marzo - 2022

Up to 428 companies have left Lleida in the last 6 years, according to a study by UdL and UPF-BSM

Up to 428 companies have left Lleida in the last six years, a figure that accounts for 3.2% of the total companies in the territory, according to the Survey on the relocation of companies from the Lleida counties, commissioned at the University of Lleida (UdL) and the UPF Barcelona School of Management (UPF-BSM), with the Board of Economic Promotion.

7 Marzo - 2022

Alumni Neus Ballús wins the best direction Premi Gaudí for 'Sis dies corrents'

The UPF Barcelona School of Management alumni, Neus Ballús, wins the best film Gaudí Award 2022.

7 Marzo - 2022

Entrepreneurship is for women too

Only 4.7% of women are entrepreneurs in Spain, and 6.3% in Europe. This reality means that women drive only 20% of start-ups. The data show that entrepreneurship is also far from gender equality. Susana Domingo, Director of the Academic Area of Strategy & Entrepreneurship, explains som of the reasons for this disparity. 

6 Marzo - 2022

"Sustainability is a core concept to keep in mind for all companies if they want to survive"

Rebecca Ferreri, Operations Planning Specialist at Ferrero, is Master of Science in International Business alumni at UPF Barcelona School of Management.

4 Marzo - 2022

The UPF Barcelona School of Management reduces electricity and water consumption and emissions by 20% during the VII Energy Marathon

La UPF Barcelona School of Management ha reduit un 20% el consum d’energia elèctrica, aigua i emisions durant el mes de febrer amb la Marató de l’Energia, en consonància amb els valors i objectius de la seva missió de lluitar pel benestar planetari.

3 Marzo - 2022

ACCID and UPF-BSM collect in a publication methodologies for measuring the social impact of organizations

The Catalan Association of Accounting and Management (ACCID) and the UPF Barcelona School of Management (UPF-BSM) have published Measuring and managing the 'social impact of organizations (2021), the 32nd issue of the Journal of Accounting and Management, which explains the conceptual basis of social impact and compiles practical applications.

1 Marzo - 2022

"Sustainable finance has always excluded the military industry"

The European Union's new regulations on sustainable investment threaten the financing of the military industry. Commission advisers recommend hanging the "socially unsustainable" label on the defense sector.

1 Marzo - 2022

Global supply chains take another hit

While supply chains are still recovering from the so-called container crisis, another major event is looming that will have a major impact: the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. In an article published in Expansión, the Director of the Postgraduate in Total Supply Chain Management, Oriol Montanyà, analyses the impact that the war will have on sectors such as food, energy and technology. 

1 Marzo - 2022

The economic consequences of the Russian attack on Ukraine

The professor at the UPF Barcelona School of Management, Xavier Brun, explains the economic consequences of the Russian attack on Ukraine, such as rising commodity or energy prices

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