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SOON: University Master's in Advocacy and Procuring
    SOON: University Master's in Advocacy and Procuring
    SOON: University Master's in Advocacy and Procuring

Master in Legal Practice + Master in Labour and Social Security Law

Master's in Legal Practice + Master's in Labour and Social Security Law

Master in Legal Practice + Master in Labour and Social Security Law

UPF-BSMMastersMaster in Legal Practice + Master in Labour and Social Security Law

Train yourself to successfully pass the entrance exam for the legal profession with the master's degree that has the highest pass rate at the state level. Together with the Master in Labour and Social Security Law, in which you will acquire the necessary knowledge to analyse and solve the main interpretive problems of current Labour and Social Security legislation.

SpecializationEntrance examLabour legal advice
Next edition
To be determined
ECTS credits150
Price14.500 €

*Important: The University Master's in Advocacy is in the process of being transformed into the University Master's in Advocacy and Procuring. The new program will begin in September 2023 and enrollment will open in January 2023. The programme will be taught in 3 languages: Spanish, Catalan and English. 3 groups will be created, 2 of which will be taught in Catalan, Spanish and English, and 1 in Spanish and English.

The double Master's in Legal Practice + Master's in Labour and Social Security Law offers you an unmatched professional comparative advantage. In addition to taking the Master's in Legal Practice, a benchmark program in the training of lawyers in Spain with the highest pass rate at the state level, it allows you to specialize in one of the areas of law with the most professional demand, by dedicating just a few more months .

The program is endorsed by Pompeu Fabra University, the 1st Spanish university and the 15th best university in the world (of those with less than 50 years), according to the Times Higher Education ranking. In addition, UPF Barcelona School of Management has EQUIS accreditation, the most prestigious institutional recognition for business schools globally.

During the first academic year, the Master's in Legal Practice trains you in the central areas of litigation, professional ethics, and business legal advice and specializes in specific professional matters such as bankruptcy, damages, intellectual property, competition, environmental law, real estate and urban development, among others.

The Master's in Legal Practice is a unique project that brings together university, professional, public and private institutions, with a common objective: to provide law graduates with an excellent training that, in the current legal framework, allows them not only to pass the future official exam, but, above all, face their professional career as lawyers with the maximum guarantee of success.

Subsequently, the Master in Labour and Social Security Law trains you in a specific way, from advising companies and public institutions to the legal defence of the different subjects of labour relations, whether individual or collective.

Program jointly offered with:Il·lustre Col·legi de l'Advocacia de Barcelona
UPF Unidad de Coordinación Académica de Derecho

Why choose this program


Receive the complete program on Labour and Social Security Law

This master's has been training specialists in the social branch of law for more than 23 years. It is a program to train specialized jurists and, therefore, different from other courses in Human Resources, social promotion or business consulting in general.


Gain a double degree

By dedicating a few more months of study, upon completion you will receive a double master's degree: the Official Master's in Legal Practice, issued by Pompeu Fabra University (90 ECTS credits) and the Master's in Labour and Social Security Law, issued by the Pompeu Fabra University (60 ECTS credits).


Learn from industry professionals

The composition of the last two courses consisted of 19 university professors belonging to 13 different universities, 9 magistrates, 7 lawyers from the Public Administration, 4 practising lawyers and 2 Labour and Social Security inspectors.


Access an excellent internship program

The master's provides access to an internship program not only in law firms but also in companies and in public and justice administration. In addition, by taking the double master's degree, we guarantee that you will be able to do the internships in the area of specialization you have chosen.


Highest pass rate at the state level

99% of the students of the Master's in Legal Practice at the UPF Barcelona School of Management who took the official exam for access to the profession between 2016 and 2019, passed.


International recognition

Study at a school accredited by EQUIS, international distinction that guarantees the quality of our institution and makes us the 1st school of management linked to a public university with this accreditation in our country.

Who is it for?

The master's is aimed at recent law graduates, mainly from UPF, with the best academic profiles. It is also aimed at those graduates from other Spanish universities with very good academic records or who come from double degrees (Business Administration + Law, Law + Economics/Social Work, etc.). In the case of international students, for administrative reasons, students must submit a ratified accreditation, the process of which can be long and complex.


The Master in Professional Legal Practice + Master in Labour and Social Security law will be taught in 3 languages: Spanish, Catalan and English. Three groups will be created, two of which will be taught in Catalan, Spanish and English, and one in Spanish and English.

The double master's degree is structured in a block of compulsory contents necessary for obtaining the double degree with the specialization in Labour and Social Security Law and the completion of optional subjects, Master's Final Project, and mandatory internship period.

Mandatory Contents

Professional Subjects
Social Security Law
Labour Law

Optional Contents


Legal practice of Capital Mercantile Companies (4 ECTS credits)

Contracts: special questions (4 ECTS credits)

Other Electives

Master's Final Project

Professional internships

Note on elective courses

Complementary activities

The Master in Legal Practice + Master in Labour and Social Security Law also includes the possibility of participating in practical activities and activities for personal and professional growth such as:

  • attendance at trials and custody of detainees
  • trial simulations
  • workshops organized by collaborating companies and firms
  • specific training in public speaking and legal English
  • UPF-BSM Inside: is a group of interdisciplinary subjects (applied data, communication, creativity, innovation and project management, sustainability and leadership among others) that, if you take this program, you can access at no additional cost. They are 100% online and you can take them throughout the academic year at your own pace, as they have been designed as self-study subjects.


3 groups will be created: two whose teaching languages will be Catalan, Spanish and English, and one in Spanish and English.

Qualification obtained

Once students have completed both programs they will obtain the Máster Universitario en Abogacía official Master's Degree (90 ECTS), issued by the Pompeu Fabra University and the electronic degree (e-Título) for Máster de Formación Permanente en Derecho Laboral y de la Seguridad Social (60 ECTS) issued by Pompeu Fabra University.

Issuance of official Master's Degrees: The amount stipulated in the DOGC (Official Gazette of the Government of Catalonia) must be paid for the rights to issue the degree. This rate varies annually and the rate in force at the time of application for the degree will be applied.

The e-Título is an authentic digital degree, issued in pdf format and electronically signed, with the same legal validity as if it were in paper format.


The Master in Legal Practice + Master in Labour and Social Security Law has a teaching staff made up of academics and professionals who are experts in each of the subjects that make up the program's study plan.

Academic directors

Collaborating faculty

  • Alexandre de le Court
    Assistant Professor of Labour Law and Social Security at Pompeu Fabra University. Mentor.
  • Ana Huertos Torné
    Lawyer specialist in employment law.
  • Ana Salas
    Social Magistrate
  • Antonio Baylos
    Director of the Central European and Latin American Institute of University Research for Social Dialogue. Professor of Employment and Social Security Law at the University of Castilla-La Mancha.
  • Borja Moreno Pantrigo
    Legal Advice for the Department of Social Welfare and Family for the Generalitat de Catalunya (Catalan Government)
  • Eduardo Rojo
    Member of the Editorial Board of sociology magazine Papers. Professor of Employment and Social Security Law at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
  • Faustino Rodríguez
    Social Magistrate in Barcelona.
  • Félix Salaverria
    Head of Legal Advice for the Department of Social Welfare and Family for the Generalitat de Catalunya.
  • Félix V. Azón
    Master from the London School of Academics (United Kingdom). Social Magistrate.
  • Fernando Salinas
    Magistrate at the Supreme Court. PhD in Law from the University of Seville.
  • Ferran Camas
    Professor of Employment and Social Security Law at the University of Girona.
  • Francisco González
    Head of Legal Consultancy at the National Institute of the Social Security in Barcelona.
  • Francisco J. Prados
    Professor of Employment and Social Security Law at the University of Granada.
  • Ignacio García-Perrote
    Professor of Employment and Social Security Law at the University of Castilla-La Mancha. Director of Employment Department at Uría-Menéndez Abogados.
  • Jaime Cabeza
    Professor of Employment and Social Security Law at the University of Vigo.
  • Jesús Cruz Vilalón
    Professor of Employment and Social Security Law at the University of Seville.
  • Jesús R. Mercader
    Professor of Employment and Social Security Law at the University Carlos III of Madrid.
  • Jordi Agustí
    Magistrate at the Supreme Court.
  • José Antonio Garcia Ballesteros
    Social Security information service in Barcelona.
  • José Luis Goñi
    Professor of Employment and Social Security Law at the public university of Navarra.
  • José Manuel Gómez
    Professor of Employment and Social Security Law at the University of Seville. Jean Monnet Professor of European Union Law.
  • Juan López Gandía
    Professor of Employment and Social Security Law at the Polytechnic University of Valencia.
  • Juan Manuel Sánchez-Bustamante
    Lawyer of the Social Security Administration.
  • Juan Reyes
    Lawyer from Employment Department at Uría-Menéndez Abogados. Barcelona
  • Maria José Feijóo
    Tenured lecturer of Employment and Social Security Law at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
  • María Luisa Segoviano Astaburuaga
    Magistrate at the Supreme Court.
  • Mercè Saura Súcar
    Social Magistrate.
  • Miguel Arenas
    Lawyer and partner at Col.lectiu Ronda.
  • Nuria Pumar
    President of the Equality Commission at the Law Faculty of the University of Barcelona. Tenured lecturer of Employment and Social Security Law at the University of Barcelona.
  • Paco Pérez
    Lawyer specialist in employment law.
  • Patrocinio Rodríguez
    Tenured lecturer of Employment and Social Security Law at the University of Seville.
  • Pedro J. López Clarós
    Social Security Retirement Dept. in Barcelona
  • Rafael Laraña
    Deputy Director of Retirement, Survival and International Conventions at the National Institute of the Social Security in Barcelona.
  • Rosa Maria Viroles Piñol
    Magistrate at the Supreme Court.
  • Santiago González Ortega
    PhD in Law from the University of Bologna. Professor of Employment and Social Security Law at the University Pablo de Olavide
  • Sebastián de Soto
    Professor of Employment and Social Security Law at the University of Huelva.
  • Sergio Canalda
     Assistant Professor of Labour Law and Social Security at the Pompeu Fabra University. Mentor.
  • Telma Vega Felgueroso
    Employment Inspector.


The course is conceived with the purpose of combining two aims that could seem antagonistic: generality and depth. The first is manifested in an all-encompassing program design in which all aspects of labour law are considered, with special emphasis on those aspects that have undergone more recent modifications.


Appropriate content for the official exam

The compulsory subjects are intended to guarantee adequate preparation for the official exam and, on the other hand, complete the compulsory content to obtain the specialization degree in Labour and Social Security Law, thus placing the student in the best conditions to start their professional career as a lawyer.


Litigation Subjects

These make up the main content block of the program. From problems posed by real cases, the students will be able to apply procedural and substantive law, internal and community law to their resolution. The writing of legal documents (demands, complaints, appeals) and their oral defence (simulations of trials and oral hearings) play an essential role in these subjects.


Other essential content

Essential content for the exercise of the legal profession are studied, such as deontology, negotiation and the organization of the office, which will play a fundamental role in the subsequent official examination.


Tutoring and monitoring

Throughout the program, the academic management team will monitor the student to offer support and ensure their proper progress.


Complementary activities

The master will organize during the school period a series of voluntary extracurricular activities: attendance at trials and custody of detainees, trial simulations, workshops organized by collaborating companies and firms, specific training (such as public speaking and legal English), etc.


To obtain the corresponding qualification, it is essential to pass all the subjects, the evaluation of which will depend on the corresponding teacher and which may consist of a continuous evaluation, completion of a task/exercise or a final exam. The Master's Final Project must also be passed, there must be regular attendance in class (a minimum of 80%), and practical exercises and compulsory work must be carried out and delivered to the professionals who commission them and who will mark them in each case.


Project-oriented learning and the combination of lectures and active methodologies such as case studies, flipped learning, solving real problems and professional simulations allow the student to connect theory and practice, acquire advanced skills and achieve learning which is transferable to work.

You will have:

  • Master's Final Project (TFM) or  Postgrad Final Project (TFP)
  • A personal mentor to monitor your final project (TFM or TFP)
  • Digital resources to achieve transversal skills
  • Interdisciplinary activities and workshops

Professional Future

To obtain the corresponding qualification, it is essential to pass all the subjects, the evaluation of which will depend on the corresponding teacher and which may consist of a continuous evaluation, completion of a task/exercise or a final exam. The Master's Final Project must also be passed, there must be regular attendance in class (a minimum of 80%), and practical exercises and compulsory work must be carried out and delivered to the professionals who commission them and who will mark them in each case.

Student profile

El programa reúne cada año a recién graduados en derecho principalmente de la ciudad de Barcelona. Se trata por tanto de un perfil junior, con la experiencia previa adquirida en las prácticas profesionales realizadas durante el Grado en Derecho.


Edad media

Career opportunities

To pass the program, each student must complete a curricular internship with a value of 30 ECTS credits. The internships will be full-time and will take place between June and November in the law firms, companies and institutions that collaborate with the program. The stay will be tutored by an experienced lawyer with the supervision of a team of tutors and will have the aim of enabling the student to:

  • Face professional deontological problems.
  • Become familiar with the functioning and problems of institutions related to the practice of the legal profession.
  • Know the activity of other legal operators, as well as professionals related to the exercise of the profession.
  • Receive updated information on the development of professional careers and the possible lines of activity, as well as on the instruments to manage them.
  • In general, develop the skills and abilities necessary to practice the legal profession.

The Master's in Legal Practice + Labour and Social Security Law aims to provide law graduates with excellent training that, in the current legal framework, allows them not only to pass the future official exam, but, above all, to start their professional career as lawyers and experts in the field of Labour and Social Security Law with the maximum chances of success.

Grants, scholarships and financing


The UPF Barcelona School of Management offers you different means of financing so that you can take any of our programs without worry. We offer you the opportunity to finance part of your program, either by rewarding your talent through scholarships, through grants from entities dedicated to promoting education or through collaboration agreements with financial entities.

LL.M. in Professional Legal Practice Scholarship

Certain programs at UPF Barcelona School of Management offer specific financial aid to incoming students, funded by collaborating entities.

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Grants and discounts

Alumni discounts

If you are a member of our alumni associations or of one of our partner universities, we offer you a series of applicable discounts on the amount of tuition for your program.

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UPF Employee Discounts

If you are a member or family member of an employee of the UPF group or belonged to the collaborating institutions of the UPF Barcelona School of Management, you can enjoy a series of applicable discounts on the tuition fees for your program.

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External financial aid

A large number of external entities and institutions offer financial aid options to students who want to enrol on one of our master programs and postgraduate courses.


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    Financing simulator

    You can choose how to finance your studies by consulting our simulator and receive an answer in less than 24 hours.

    Go to the simulator

    Collaborating entities

    In addition, we collaborate with various entities which provide study loans on favorable terms. For more information you can contact any of the following links. 

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